  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics James Wells presented a paper at the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States held in Wilmington, Del., on Oct. 8–10. The paper, Drained into the New Trench”: Classical Reception and the Poetry of Reginald Gibbons," studies Reginald Gibbons’ collection of poetry, Creatures of a Day (2008), as an act of classical reception and contributes to scholarship by introducing an audience to a newly formulated theory and method for interpreting practices of classical reception called “The Poetics of Distinction.”

  • Shelley Haley, professor of classics and African studies, and director of the Africana studies program, participated in the fall meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) on Oct. 8-11. She, along with professors Nancy Rabinowitz and James Wells, participated on a panel titled "How to Manage Difficult Conversations in Classics Classrooms" and she was the presider for a session titled "Practical Pedagogy." Haley was also was elected 2nd vice-president of CAAS.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, gave six lectures at four universities in New Zealand -- the University of Auckland, Victoria University in Wellington, University of Canterbury in Christchurch, and Otago University in Dunedin -- in September and October.

  • Winslow Professor of Classics Carl Rubino gave an invited lecture on Sept. 17 at Mohawk Valley Community College titled “It Is Your Destiny: Star Wars and Greek and Roman Myth.”

  • Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz presented a paper titled "After the revolution: Re-interpreting women on the Greek pots in Havana," with her colleague Sue Blundell (Open University), at the Institute of Classical Studies in London on June 3. The paper presented new metatheoretical approaches to the study of the iconography of women on Attic vases focusing on the interpretation of scenes of courtship or prostitution.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Chiara Sulprizio presented a paper at the Classical Association of Canada annual meeting in Vancouver, Canada, held May 12 – 14. Her paper was part of the American Philological Association Outreach Panel on the theme of "Borders" titled "Xerxes' Tears: Power, Narrative and Geopolitics in Herodotus' Histories."

  • Professor of Classics Barbara Gold attended the fifth triennial meeting of the Feminism and Classics Conference, "Bringing It All Back Home," at the University of Michigan on May 8-11. She presented a paper titled "The Meanings of Silence: Keeping Women Out and In."

  • Carl A. Rubino, the Edward North Professor of Classics, together with Alicia Juarrero, the author of Dynamics in Action: Intentional Behavior as a Complex System (MIT Press, 1999), is the editor of a new book titled Emergence, Complexity, and Self-Organization: Precursors and Prototypes (ISCE Publishing, May 2008).

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