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Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies Claire Mouflard is the co-editor of Gender in French Banlieue Cinema: Intersectional Perspectives, published recently by Lexington Books.
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Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies Claire Mouflard chaired a panel and presented a paper at the Council of European Studies conference in Lyon, France, in July. The theme of the conference was "Radical Europe: Violence, Emancipation, and Reaction."
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Five Hamilton College seniors will embark to other countries through the prestigious Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship program, where they will polish their teaching skills, learn new languages, and serve as cultural ambassadors.
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Martine Guyot-Bender, the Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Award Professor of French and Francophone Studies, discussed Cambodian Arthouse cinema at a recent international colloquium at Villanova University.
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In its second meeting of the 2023-24 academic year, the Hamilton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa elected 17 members of the Class of 2024.
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Prof. Martine Guyot-Bender is coming off a semester of research in Cambodia and France, where she studied both contemporary emerging Cambodian film and the cultural history of the railroad in France
In July, Professor Emeritus of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper in French on occupational illnesses in 18th-century Europe, honoring the late Gabriel Richet of the French Academy of Medicine, whom he mentioned as a partner in this project.
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For Madeline Pittel ’24, interning at Sotheby’s has been a longstanding dream. In high school, she would walk by the auction house’s large New York office en route to a job elsewhere, all the while thinking, “I want to work there one day, and I’m going to wait for my junior year college internship. So this is a five- or six-year plan-in-the-making.”
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Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies Claire Mouflard's article, "Noire n’est pas leur métier : solidarités intersectionnelles et militantisme antiraciste chez Rokhaya Diallo et Aïssa Maïga," was published in the edited volume Solid/taires :Féminismes et sororités dans les productions artistiques françaises et francophones edited by Ramona Mielusel and published with Brill
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Members of Hamilton’s Class of 2023 have walked off the Commencement stage, canes in hand, and out into the world ready to make a difference and take the lead on global issues and needs.