  • The next film in the Tournées Festival is Berlin 1885: The Division of Africa on Sunday, Feb. 23, at 4 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Building’s Bradford Auditorium.

  • The Tournées Festival continues with Polisse on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 4 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Building’s Bradford Auditorium. The film series is presented by the Department of French in collaboration with the Kirkland Art Center. Film showings are free and open to everyone; suggested donations of $3. to the Kirkland Art Center are welcome.

  • The next film in the Tournées Festival is The Fairy on Sunday, Feb. 9, at 4 p.m., in Bradford Auditorium in the Kirner-Johnson Building.  The Tournées film series is presented by the Department of French in collaboration with the Kirkland Art Center. Film showings are free and open to everyone; suggested donations of $3. to the Kirkland Art Center are welcome.

  • The Department of French is once again collaborating with the Kirkland Art Center in this year’s presentation of new French films, the Tournées Festival, from Sunday, Feb. 2, through March 2. The first film in the five-film series is Rust and Bone on Sunday, Feb. 2, at 4 p.m. in Bradford Auditorium, KJ. Film screenings are free and open to everyone; suggested donations of $3. to the Kirkland Art Center are welcome.

  • Associate Professor of French Cheryl Morgan delivered a paper on Oct. 18 at the Université de Lille as part of “La Littérature en bas-bleus (III): Romancières françaises 1870-1914,” the third and final conference in a series devoted to nineteenth-century French women writers.

  • Associate Professor of French Cheryl Morgan prepared the English subtitles for the Franco-Lebanese film Sutra, selected for competition in the Middle Eastern documentary category at the 13th edition of the Beirut International Film Festival.

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper at the conference “Consuming Passions: Economies of Desire in French Literature and Arts, 1100-1815,” held at Washington University, Oct. 3-5.

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal has published "Portrait de Saint-Preux en personnage transgenre dans Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse in a collection of essays titled Masculinités en révolution: de Rousseau à Balzac, Saint-Étienne, 2013.

  • In an essay on Huffington Post titled “The Godfather of All Encyclopedias,” President Joan Hinde Stewart wrote about “one of the greatest of the Enlightenment philosophers, Denis Diderot,” and the “dazzlingly original series of works that range in their subject matter from religion to science and morality” that are his legacy.

  • Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali recently edited a book of Werewere-Liking teachings titled L’Enseignement de l’Éveilleuse d’Étoiles, (“Tôrôl Tchôrôt”). Fragments d’expériences d’une tradition initiatique Africaine.


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