  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal was interviewed, along with several other international scholars of Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, for a special issue of L'Hebdo magazine.

  • An article by Professor of French John C. O’Neal titled “L’âme chez Rousseau: au carrefour des philosophes, de la psychologie et du romantisme” has appeared in the special issue Rousseau et le Romantisme, published by La Société internationale des Amis du Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Montmorency, France.

  • Associate Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali was recently invited to the International Colloquium on African Francophone Literature at the University of South Africa (UNISA) where he was honored for creativity and originality in his fiction work.

  • Roberta Krueger, Burgess Professor of French, has published a chapter titled "The Wound, The Book, and the Knot: Marie de France and Literary Traditions of Love in the Lais," in A Companion to Marie de France, edited by Logan Whalen (Brill, 2011).

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper at the meeting of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, which took place this year in Graz, Austria, from July 24-30. O'Neal's paper was titled "Cultivating Critical Readers through Complex Narrative Time Frames in Crébillon's Les Egarements du coeur et de l'esprit."

  • L’impair de la nation by Associate Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali was introduced to the Congolese public by Groupe L’Avenir and Digital Congonet, two major Congolese news groups.

  • Burgess Professor of French Roberta Krueger participated in a symposium on "The Beauty of Romance" organized by the Department of French, University of Glasgow, at the Burrell Collection, Glasgow, Scotland, on June 2.  Her talk, "Beauty and the Book: Courtly Instruction in Chrétien de Troyes’s Conte du Graal and Antoine de la Sale’s Petit Jehan de Saintré," analyzed the construction and critique of courtesy in two key medieval French romances.

  • Associate Professor of French Cheryl Morgan presented a paper titled “Qu’y a-t-il dans un nom? ‘La Princesse Brouhaha’ ou l’art du scandale dans les romans de Marie Studholmine Létitia Bonaparte-Wyse” at a conference May 11-13 at the Université de Bordeaux in France.

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper, "Saint-Preux comme personne transgenre dans La Nouvelle Héloïse de Rousseau," at the international colloquium "Masculin et pouvoir de Rousseau à Balzac," held at the Université Jean Monnet, May 19-20.

  • Associate Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali gave an invited talk titled "The Congo in the Colonial and Post-colonial Imagination" for the Colgate University Humanities Colloquium on March 22.


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