  • About 30 students from three classes recently went on a joint field trip to the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, N.Y.

  • After spending eight years in the fashion industry, Kate Flynn '08 recently switched careers and is now a User Experience (UX) Designer. Most recently, Kate was doing UX design for The New York Times.

  • A research article by Visiting Assistant Professor of French Cynthia Laborde appears in the December 2016 issue of the French and Francophone studies journal French Review.

  • Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali was recently invited to teach literature at Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de la Gombe in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali was an invited participant on a panel about “Sexual & Gender Violence” during the annual Congo Week conference in New York City on Oct. 15.

  • Sophia Gaulkin ’17 used an Emerson Grant to research the current state of the ethics of geological sampling and propose a new code of conduct.

  • President Joan Hinde Stewart recently announced the appointment of eight Hamilton faculty members to endowed chairs.  Doug Ambrose (history),  Brian Collett (physics), Martine Guyot-Bender (French), Gordon Jones (physics), Tim Kelly (mathematics), Heidi Ravven (religious studies), Patrick Reynolds (biology) and Michael “Doc” Woods (music) received appointments. All are effective July 1.

  • Roberta Krueger, the Burgess Professor of French, presented a paper titled “Other Bodies, Other Rooms: Moving Forward with Feminism in Medieval French Studies” at the International Congress for Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University on May 12. 

  • Hamilton French classes visited Montreal recently for a weekend of culture and cuisine. Visiting Assistant Professor of French Cynthia Laborde and Teaching Fellow Julien Ribrault escorted the 12 students who included: Rafiatou Ouro Aguy ’18, Wilhelgyne Rose ’19, Marie Fouché ’19, Kyandreia Jones’19, Jade Alvillar ’18, Erin Bernard ’16, Dani Gomes Rodrigues ’18, Dana Holloway ’18, Giovanna Petta ’19, Kirsty Warren ’18, Alan Yeh ’18 and Olivia Paradice ’18.

  • Roberta Krueger, the Burgess Professor of French, presented an invited lecture titled “Piety and Profanity in Medieval Conduct Books: The Case of Antoine de la Sale’s Jean de Saintré” at the University of Missouri on April 7.

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