  • Hamilton College Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds announced the promotion of four Hamilton faculty members to the rank of professor. Brian Collett, physics; Heather Merrill, Africana studies; Cheryl Morgan, French; and Lisa Trivedi, history, were promoted effective Oct. 3.

  • Professor of French John C. O’Neal’s article “The Potential Convergence of Religious and Secular Interests in Voltaire's Traité sur la tolérance” has been published in the journal Religion in the Age of Enlightenment, volume 5 (2015): 211-30.

  • Asad Javed ’16 is working this summer through an Emerson Grant to transpose the Molière classic Tartuffe into a number of new settings, in a project titled “Unholy Vanities and Holy Prose: A Reimagination of Moliere's Tartuffe through Costume Design.” Javed, a French and  interdisciplinary studies (film) double major, is undertaking this project in creative collaboration with Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre Andrew Holland.

  • Graduating seniors Ryan Dorey, Victoria Lin, Sara Kleinman and Isabel Oskwarek were chosen by the French Ministry of Education to participate in the Teaching Assistants in France Program for 2015-16.

  • The age-old adage of “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” appears to be playing itself out yet again in Europe. From the return of “the German question,” to civil unrest in the former USSR, or the resurgence of political scapegoating and economic disarray, current conditions are raising concern from the global community. On April 2 the Government Department hosted a roundtable panel of four Hamilton faculty members to address key elements of the continent’s contemporary crisis.

  • Hamilton will host a faculty panel discussion, “Europe in Crisis,” on Thursday, April 2, at 7 p.m., in the Fillius Events Barn. The discussion is free and open to the public.

  • Le Discours africain à l’ère des exorcistes (“African Discourse in the Era of the Exorcists”) by Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali was recently published in Paris by Panafrika/Silex/Nouvelles du Sud. The book re-examines the contact of Africa with the West.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of French Aurélie Van de Wiele published an article in the current issue of the journal Nineteenth-Century French Studies and presented a paper at New York University during the biennial meeting of the Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d’Amérique.

  • Werewere-Liking, an artist and philanthropist from the Ivory Coast, will visit Hamilton on Nov. 19 and 20.  She will hold a workshop on Hidjingo, a Ki-Yi Mbock healing dance on Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m., in the Blood Fitness Center Dance Studio, and will give a talk, “Profession: ‘Woman.’ Lessons learned from grandma for action in modern times” on Thursday, Nov. 20, at 4:10 p.m., in the Kennedy Auditorium, Taylor Science Center.  Both events are free and open to the public.

  • Associate Professor of French Cheryl Morgan recently presented a paper  at the 40th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium and published articles in George Sand Studies and H-France Review.


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