  • An audio/photo essay by Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight is featured on the homepage of Religious Studies News. “Rome: Eternal City / Plural City” showcases the multicultural and multireligious character of Rome, Italy, and includes some recent work Knight created while there this spring.

  • Five Hamilton faculty members were recognized for their research and creative successes with the Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards, presented by Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds on Class & Charter Day on May 11. The awards recognize individual accomplishment but reflect a richness and depth of scholarship and creative activity across the entire faculty.

  • Since the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art opened in 2012, its permanent collection has grown through gifts and select purchases. Wellin Collects, opening May 5, showcases new and recent acquisitions in a variety of media. Senior Art Thesis 2015, also opening on May 5, displays new work by graduating art majors. Spanning drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture, the exhibition represents a culmination of their studies.

  • “Robert Knight: In God’s House,” a collection of photographs and video by Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight, is on display Feb. 24 through Sept. 13 at Munson-Williams-Proctor Art Institute (MWPAI) in Utica, N.Y. The exhibition focuses on the adaptation of religious spaces in the Utica area.

  • Hamilton research projects were featured in letters to the editor in both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal this week. On Jan. 13, a letter by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate and Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight about their research on the transition of sacred spaces was published by the Journal. A letter by Senior Director of Media Relations Vige Barrie about a Levitt Youth Poll was included in the Jan. 13 edition of the Times.

  • A documentary film titled “In God’s House: The Religious Landscape of Utica, NY,” had its first public screening in November at the American Academy of Religion meeting in San Diego. Plate was on hand to present the film and answer questions.

  • Assistant Professor of Art Rob Knight has a solo exhibition of his project In God's House currently on view at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Porter Butts Gallery through Dec. 2. The project was supported by the Levitt Center and was developed over the past two summers with Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies Brent Plate.

  • Assistant Professor of Art Rob Knight took his Advanced Photo class (Art 302) on a field trip to the Society for Photographic Education Regional Conference in Albany on Oct. 19. Knight was one of the presenters, giving a talk on his Levitt Center-supported project In God's House.  

  • A recent video from Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight’s project In God's House is featured in GLOBALissues. CLIMATEmatters. SocialCHANGE at ArtRage in Syracuse, N.Y. The exhibition opens Saturday, Sept. 6, with a reception from 7-9 p.m., and continues through Oct. 18.

  • Approaching 501 Park Street in Syracuse, a visitor would see what looks like a Catholic church. Though this site was once home to the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, the building is now being converted into a mosque. As neighborhood demographics change, the need for specific religious spaces tends to shift as well. This summer, three students are working on a Levitt Group Research Project, “Sacred Spaces in Transition.”

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