  • Hamilton salutes four distinguished members of the faculty who retired this year after a combined 152 years of service to the College. They are Cynthia Domack, professor of geosciences; Elaine Heekin, professor of dance and movement studies; Elizabeth Jensen, professor of economics; and David Thompson, professor of physical education and director of campus wellness.

  • The Hamilton College Department of Dance and Movement Studies will present its annual Spring Dance Concert on Friday, March 8, and Saturday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m., in Wellin Hall.

  • Professor of Dance Elaine Heekin collaborated with Richard Lloyd, lecturer in dance and movement studies, to create Wordplay, which was shown Dec. 4 on the Colgate campus. The project was the result of a vocal workshop Lloyd offered to Colgate students.

  • Professors of Dance Elaine Heekin and Bruce Walczyk presented during the New England American College Dance conference held March 14-17 at the Five College Dance Department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

  • Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds announced the promotion of seven Hamilton faculty members to the rank of professor. Mark Bailey, computer science; Kevin Grant, history; Elaine Heekin, dance and movement studies; Seth Major, physics;  Robert Martin, government; Joseph Mwantuali, French; and Stephen Wu, economics,  were promoted effective July 1.


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