  • In an American Public Media Marketplace “Morning Report” titled “Why isn’t the cost of borrowing money included in the consumer price index?,” Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, commented on including the cost of money in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

  • In Hamilton’s annual Constitution Day lecture, Amherst College Professor Austin Sarat delivered a talk titled “Everyone Knows That American Democracy Is in Trouble: But Maybe Donald Trump Is Not to Blame.” Sarat’s presentation cataloged the demonstrable deterioration of American democracy, focusing in particular on evidence gathered prior to the Trump presidency

  • Coming off a dialogue with students and alumni in Washington, D.C., a few weeks ago, Hamilton’s Common Ground series returned to campus on Feb. 12 with a reprise of “Impeachment Pro and Con.” The conversation focused on the recent impeachment proceedings of President Donald Trump.

  • Hamilton’s Common Ground program ventured to the nation’s capital on Jan. 29 where a dozen students in the Washington, D.C., program and about 20 area alumni area engaged in discussion around impeachment.

  • As part of its continuing Common Ground speaker series, Hamilton College is presenting three programs this semester that address significant issues in the news and in our daily conversations. All programs are free and open to the public.

  • Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs Senior Fellow Ted Widmer interviewed Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, for the podcast series, The Crack-Up, about the year 1919 and the way it continues to affect us.

  • Hamilton community members were transported across party lines on April 11 as Jim Messina, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama, and Reince Priebus, former Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump, engaged in a dialogue surrounding some of the country’s most pressing issues. The event was moderated by Jackie Judd P’14, a veteran journalist and political communications consultant.

  • Jackie Judd, a lifelong journalist who reported for ABC News, NPR, and most recently the PBS NewsHour, will moderate the next installment of Hamilton College’s Common Ground series on Thursday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Margaret Bundy Scott Field House.

  • Jamaica’s Prime Minister, The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, recently awarded alumnus Arthur Williams ’16 with the Youth Award for Excellence in the International Achievement category, acknowledging Williams’ accomplishments while at Hamilton and in the years following his graduation.

  • A Newsweek article triggered by a new survey revealing that 51 percent of Republicans said they think former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, compared to just 14 percent of Democrats included reference to Professor of Government Philip Klinkner’s research on birtherism.


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