  • Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Joana Sabadell-Nieto has published a book titled Desbordamientos: Transformaciones culturales y políticas de las  mujeres (Overflowings: Cultural and Political Transformations by Women). The result of nearly a decade of research, the book is part of Icaria/Akademia’s “Women and Culture” collection and will be presented in Barcelona later in the month.

  • Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Joana Sabadell-Nieto was an invited respondent and served as a member of the advisory committee at the International Association of Hispanic Women’s Literature and Culture conference (AILCFH) Oct. 19-21 at the University of Barcelona.

  • Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Joana Sabadell-Nieto was invited to participate in a round table discussion about the work of novelist Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (1910-1999) on Oct. 13 at the Instituto Cervantes in New York City and presented a lecture about his personal writings on Oct. 14 at SUNY Albany.

  • Jessica Burke, assistant professor of Hispanic Studies, presented a paper and chaired a session at the 93rd annual meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, held in Washington D.C., July 6-9.

  • Cuban filmmaker Miguel Coyula will present his film Memories of Development on Friday, March 4, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Science Center’s Kennedy Auditorium. A discussion will be led by Coyula following the film screening. The screening and discussion are free and open to the public.  

  • Teaching Fellow in Hispanic Studies and Fulbright Scholar María Gabriela Portal discussed her first semester experience in a presentation titled “My First Three Months on the Hill,” at the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA) Conference held December 8-11, in Washington, D.C.

  • Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Edna Rodríguez-Plate was invited to participate in the symposium, Culture and Politics in Post-Soviet Cuba, at the University of Birmingham, England, on Nov. 24. She gave the paper "Shrinking the Space of the Nation: Cuban Cinema from 35 mm to You Tube."

  • Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Jessica Burke chaired a session and presented a paper at the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities held on Jan. 13-16.

  • Edna Rodriguez-Plate, associate professor of Hispanic studies, will present a talk titled "The Cuban Revolution and the Creation of a National Film Industry" on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m.at the Other Side in Utica. This is the fourth event in the Imagining America collaboration between Hamilton College and The Other Side.

  • Charlotte Rogers, visiting assistant professor of Hispanic Studies, presented her paper "El sabio curandero: Shamanism and Afro-Caribbean Power in the novels of Alejo Carpentier" at the conference "Re-Thinking the Mangrove: Second Symposium of Critical Practices in Caribbean Cultural Studies." The conference was held at the Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Oct. 15-17.

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