  • Last week, 28 students from Hamilton, Grinnell, Scripps and Smith College visited the Spanish region of Andalusia as part of the  Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain orientation trip. Andalusia is the most populated Spanish Autonomous Community.   Among other products, Andalusia is also known for its olive oil production.

  • During the fall semester, 12 Hamilton students taught Spanish to students at Clinton Elementary School. These Hamilton students participated in a training workshop in order to learn about teaching methods and to discuss lesson plans. The program began in October and continued through the end of the semester.

  • Jessica Gordon-Burroughs, visiting assistant professor of Hispanic studies, presented “Straight Pins, Gauze, and Linotypes: The Cuban Artists’ Book of the 1990s” on Jan. 9 at the Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference in Austin, Texas.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Christine Fernández presented “(Un)familiar Spaces and Memories in Dorfman’s Feeding on Dreams (2011)” at the Pacific Ancient Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference held Nov. 6-8 in Portland, Ore.

  • Twenty-four students from Hamilton College and several other colleges (including Williams, Swarthmore, Davidson and Grinnell) visited Galicia last week as part of Hamilton’s Academic Year in Spain.

  • Over the past several years Cuba has seen many changes. Since Raúl Castro assumed the Cuban presidency in 2008, he has introduced a number of economic reforms that have removed many commercial restrictions and lessened government control. This has resulted in a growing private sector and a rise in Cuban self-employed entrepreneurs.

  • Elana Van Arnam ’17 is pursuing research into one of Spain’s most commonly misunderstood monarchs: Juana I of Castile. Popularly known as “Juana la Loca,” or Juana the Mad, the Queen is one of the most iconic figures in early-modern Spanish history.  Van Arnam’s summer research is funded through an Emerson Summer Collaborative Research Award and is being directed by Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Xavier Tubau.

  • Max Flath ’16 is getting an inside look into the workings of our political system this summer as an intern in the office of Congressman Matt Cartwright ’83 (D-PA-17). Though internships on Capitol Hill are not uncommon, the manner by which Flath acquired his internship stands out as unique and reinforces the power of  Hamilton connections.

  • When Njideka Ofoleta ’16 studied abroad in Spain last semester, she noticed something about the population in her neighborhood. She lived in an area with a high immigrant population, and although she saw many African men in public and in the media, she saw few African women. She realized that African women were rarely discussed, and she “wanted to delve deeper into that rarely-covered realm.” With a grant from the Emerson Foundation, Ofoleta has spent time in Morocco, Spain, and the United States to research African women immigrating into Spain.

  • Lisa Yang ’17 and Aida Shadrav ’17 have been awarded Gilman International Scholarship Program awards for undergraduate study abroad. Yang plans to study in China through the Associated Colleges in China (ACC) program this summer and Shadrav will study in Spain this fall through the Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain.

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