  • Maria Willstedt, assistant professor of Hispanic studies, presented "Martin Sarmiento: A Medievalist at the Court of the Spanish Bourbon Kings," at the 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, held May 14-17 at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.

  • This past semester, 18 Hamilton students taught Spanish to students at Clinton Elementary School. These Hamilton students attended a two-day training workshop prior to beginning the program to learn about teaching methods and share ideas for activities. The program began on February 9 and continued until the end of April. 

  • Margaret “Meg” Alexander ’15 has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Malaysia. A world politics and Hispanic studies major, she studied in Madrid through Hamilton’s Program in Spain in spring 2014.

  • Joana Sabadell-Nieto, professor of Hispanic studies and director of Hamilton’s Academic Year in Spain, delivered a plenary lecture titled “Transitional Discourses, Impossible Selfies” at the XV Conference of the International Institute of Sociocriticism: Literature, Community, Memory.

  • Maria Willstedt, assistant professor of Hispanic studies, presented "From Castilian to Spanish to Spanglish: A Historical Example of Translation vs. Globalization," at the interdisciplinary symposium Translation versus Globalization, held Feb. 20-21 at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

  • Honoring a department tradition, Hamilton’s 22 Hispanic studies majors and their eight professors came together for a dinner party in Spencer House on Feb. 6 to celebrate their senior year.

  • For the third year, Hamilton students taught Spanish to children in grades K-5 at Clinton Elementary School. The students taught multiple groups of approximately 25 Clinton children during lunch and recess this semester. Teaching Fellow in Hispanic Studies María Gabriela Portal, Elisa MacColl ’16, and Emily Hess ’16 coordinated the project.

  • In the U.S., having command of more than one language can only help one’s job prospects. However, in many countries this skill is simply a prerequisite for employment. Siri Cosper ’16 is spending the summer teaching English in Madrid interning with the language academy Languages 247.

  • María Gabriela Portal, teaching fellow in Hispanic studies, was an invited presenter on Aug. 8 at an English Teaching Training College at IES Nº1 in La Quiaca, Jujuy, Argentina.

  • This summer Arthur Williams ’16, with the support of the Joseph F. Anderson Fund, is interning at the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, a nonprofit that offers workshops, courses, support services and financial networks to individuals looking to begin or expand small businesses. The Center, located in San Francisco, aims to provide these services to individuals who traditionally lack the resources and information necessary to pursue entrepreneurship as a means of financial self-sufficiency.


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