  • For the 10th annual installment of the Voices of Color Lecture Series honoring C. Christine Jonson, former director of the Higher Education Opportunities Program at Hamilton, the campus community was invited to share their evening with Dr. Cornel West, a renowned academic and social justice advocate who gave a lecture to a packed house in Wellin Hall.

  • Filmmaker Thomas Keith will screen his film “The Bro Code: How Contemporary Culture Creates Sexist Men,” on Tuesday, March 12, at 4 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Building’s Red Pit. Keith will facilitate a discussion of the film following the showing. The screening is sponsored by the Days-Massolo Center and is free and open to the public.

  • Hamilton’s Maurice Horowitch Career Center is without doubt one of the most valuable assets on campus for students preparing to make the transition off the Hill and into the “real world,” but sometimes stepping through the doorway and into the third floor of Bristol can be a little intimidating. To address this issue, the Career Center has teamed up with the Days-Massolo Center to offer a collaborative workshop series spread out over the course of the second semester.

  • Two events featuring Cultural Odyssey’s Rhodessa Jones and Idris Ackamoor will take place on Monday, Feb. 25, and Wednesday, Feb 27. The events are free and open to the public and no tickets are required.

  • Director André Robert Lee will screen his autobiographical film, The Prep School Negro, on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 5:30 p.m., in the Red Pit, Kirner-Johnson Building. Lee will host a discussion with the audience following the film. The screening is sponsored by the Days-Massolo Center and is free and open to the public.

  • Hamilton College will commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a lecture by Syracuse University Law Professor Paula Johnson and a dinner on Monday, Jan. 28, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Tolles Pavilion.  A soul food dinner menu will be served.  The event is free for Hamilton students, faculty and staff but reservations are necessary. Click here to reserve.

  • Amit Taneja, director of the Days-Massolo Center, was an invited speaker on serving the mental health and social services needs of diverse communities at Onondaga Case Management Services, Inc.

  • Amit Taneja, director of the Days-Massolo Center, served as a consultant and trainer for a new Safezone program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

  • On Feb. 26, 2012, an unarmed 17-year-old African American man named Trayvon Martin was fatally shot in Sanford, Fla. At the time the case did not attract much media attention, though it has since become of the most covered news stories of 2012. Daniel Maree, a senior digital strategist for advertising agency McCann New York, sparked a massive movement and mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to show their support for the Martin family and for racial equality generally. He spoke at Hamilton on Oct. 17 about his vision for the younger generation’s potential to create change in the world.

  • Amit Taneja, director of the Days-Massolo Center, facilitated a conversation on inclusion at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica on Oct. 4. Taneja was invited by MVCC leaders to help create a dialogue on inclusive practices and strategies, and the presentation was also live-streamed to the MVCC Rome campus.

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