  • Assistant Professor of Psychology Keelah Williams and four students presented research at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual convention held in New Orleans.

  • An article co-authored by Assistant Professor of Psychology Keelah Williams was recently published in Evolution and Human Behavior. The article explores the interactive nature of sex and age stereotypes, demonstrating that perceivers categorize and stereotype others not by sex and age independently, but by the interaction of their sex and age (i.e., people mentally group others as females and males of specific ages).

  • Hamilton College Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty Suzanne Keen has appointed Professor Penny Yee as the next associate dean of faculty effective July 1. She will replace Associate Dean and Professor of Literature Onno Oerlemans, who will resume teaching full time in the Literature and Creative Writing Department after a year’s sabbatical.

  • Assistant Professor of Psychology Vikranth Bejjanki and Emily Randrup '17 co-authored a paper that was recently published in the journal Developmental Science.

  • In an email to the Hamilton community on Oct. 15, Dean of Faculty Suzanne Keen announced the passing of Gregory Pierce, Professor of Psychology emeritus.

  • Sanju Koirala ’19, who wants to be a role model for aspiring young scientists in her home country of Nepal, is starting a fellowship in computational neuroscience at Emory University.

  • Six faculty members were approved for tenure by Hamilton’s Board of Trustees during a recent meeting. The board awarded tenure to Katherine Brown (physics), Courtney Gibbons (mathematics), Gbemende Johnson (government), Alexandra List (psychology), Max Majireck (chemistry), and Seth Schermerhorn (religious studies).

  • In a room full of aspiring law students and philosophy academics, Assistant Professor of Psychology Keelah Williams’ discussion on imposter syndrome does not seem inherently related to the Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP). After days of debating and applying various philosophical theories, a talk on the mechanics of imposter phenomenon might have come off as on anomaly to the students and scholars on campus for the two-week philosophy program.

  • Following her four years at Hamilton College, Anaidys “Andy” Uribe ’19 plans on going back to high school.

  • John Dovidio, professor of psychology and public health at Yale University, will present a lecture titled “Why Can't We Get Along? The Challenges of Race Relations in America” on Thursday, April 18, at 4:10 p.m. in the Chapel.

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