  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons attended the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Mathematics Research Communities “Algebraic Statistics” program on June 12-18 in Snowbird, Utah, where she participated in a workshop on “Likelihood Geometry.”

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons presented “A Ring without a Boij-Soederberg Theory” as an invited speaker in the AMS-AWM Special Session on Commutative Algebra at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) held Jan. 6-9 in Seattle.

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons was the co-organizer of a special session at the Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS). The annual meeting, held Nov. 14-15, was hosted by Rutgers University.

  • “Non-simplicial decompositions of Betti diagrams of complete intersections,” a paper co-authored by Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons, appears in the current issue of the Journal of Commutative Algebra.

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons is spending eight weeks in Salem, Ore., working with the Willamette University Mathematics Consortium, an intensive summer research experience for undergraduates (REU) funded thorough the National Science Foundation.

  • “Grandma Makes Granola,” an article co-authored by Professor of Mathematics Richard Bedient and Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons, appeared in the January issue of The College Mathematics Journal. Also in the issue, David Richeson ’93 contributed an article titled “Proof Without Words: The Maximum Sum of Inradii.”

  • Hamilton College’s highest awards for teaching were presented to four faculty members during the annual Class & Charter Day ceremony on May 11. Professor of Classics Shelley Haley was awarded the Samuel & Helen Lang Prize for Excellence in Teaching; Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons was honored with the John R. Hatch Excellence in Teaching Award; and Max Majireck, assistant professor of chemistry, received the Class of 1963 Excellence in Teaching Award. In addition, Education Studies Program Director Susan Mason received Student Assembly’s Sidney Wertimer Award.

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons was an invited speaker recently in two seminars. She discussed “Parametrizing a family of indecomposable modules” at Syracuse University and “Blank Space” at Adelphi University.

  • Part one of an interview with Assistant Professor of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons appeared in the February issue of Girls’ Angle Bulletin. She discussed how she became interested in math and some of her goals as a mathematician, one of which is to include students in her research.

  • A true passion for knowledge is of growing scarcity in the world today.  Such a passion extends beyond the simple desire to learn; it is a hunger to experience as well as comprehension, to grow in oneself and aid others in their journey. For Senior Fellow Robert Huben ’15, it is a passion he understands very well.

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