  • Colyer Woolston, a senior with a passion for the natural sciences, had an opportunity to share his interest in paleontology recently when he mentored John Musante, a first grade student at Clinton Elementary School.

  • Emma L. Hedley, a senior in the Geosciences Department, presented a poster titled “Beach Nourishment at Virginia Beach, Virginia” at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America - Northeastern Section.  Hedley’s work in coastal geology was presented as a poster in the Coastal/Marine Science session and her abstract was published in GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46, No. 2.

  • William D. Tifft ’14, a senior in the Geosciences Department, presented a poster titled “A Reference Collection of Middle Devonian, Upper Hamilton Group Brachiopods from the Geer Road Quarry in Eaton, New York” at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America - Northeastern Section.Tifft's work in paleontology was presented as a poster in the Geologic Education session and his abstract was published in GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46, No. 2.

  • Rachel B. Cackett ’13, a double major in geosciences and art, presented a poster titled “A Laboratory Exercise for Paleontology: Environmental Analysis Using Invertebrate Fossils” at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America – Northeastern Section.

  • Marko Nikic ’13, a geosciences major, presented a poster titled “Correlating the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation to Central New York’s 2011-2012 Winter Weather” at the 38th Annual Northeastern Storm Conference held in Rutland, Vt., on March 8-10.

  • Stephen J. Wright, a senior geosciences major, presented a poster titled “2011:  A Comparison of Tornado Events in Dixie Alley and Upstate New York,” at the 37th Annual Northeastern Storm Conference held in Rutland, Vt., on March 2-4.


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