  • Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures Kyoko Omori has been awarded an $11,000 grant from the Japan Foundation for a project titled “Reconstructing and Creating a New Japanese Silent Film Experience: Benshi, Music and Film.”

  • Mary Sisler, visiting assistant professor of Italian, recently presented a paper titled “Leonardo’s Early Experiments in Writing” at the Renaissance Society of America Conference in New York. She was on a panel composed of scholars who had participated in the 2012 NEH Institute in Florence “Leonardo da Vinci: Between Art and Science.”

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori presented a paper, “Reinvesting Nuclear Capital: Hiroshima, Cinema, and Global Circulation of Witness,” at the American Comparative Literature Association Conference on March 22 at New York University.

  • Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of East Asian Languages & Literature, participated in the National Chinese Education Conference on literacy of Chinese language, at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, from March 7-9. As a plenary speaker she presented on “Component Skills of Chinese Literacy: Character Recognition and Reading Comprehension.”

  • Thirty-five Hamilton students are teaching Spanish to third-, fourth- and fifth-grade students at Clinton Elementary. They volunteer in groups and work closely with the Clinton students to help them improve their language skills and gain an appreciation for foreign languages. Hispanic Studies Teaching Fellow Maria Gabriela Portal and Elisabeth MacColl ’16 run the program, which will continue throughout the semester.

  • Hispanic Studies seniors kicked off the semester dancing salsa, merengue, and cha cha cha in a special event on Jan. 24. Every spring term, the Hispanic Studies department organizes the event in order to congratulate them as they head toward graduation.

  • Thirty-five Hamilton students are teaching Spanish to children in kindergarten, first and second grades at Clinton Elementary School this semester. They began on Oct. 21 after attending two training workshops and will continue teaching until Dec. 2. The Hamilton students work in groups and take turns during the week, teaching a class of 20 children.

  • Hamilton College has received confirmation of a second year of funding from the Department of Education for Hamilton’s Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad program. The award will continue support for the project “ACC Intensive Language Training Program for Students and Language Professionals.” The second year grant totals $363,230. The project is managed by Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of Chinese, and Associated Colleges in China (ACC) general director.

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper at the conference “Consuming Passions: Economies of Desire in French Literature and Arts, 1100-1815,” held at Washington University, Oct. 3-5.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori gave a talk at the Association of Japanese Literary Studies conference at the University of Chicago on Oct. 19. Her paper was titled “Narrating Modernity: Tokugawa Musei, Creative Adaptation, and Benshi Performance.”


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