  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper at the conference “Consuming Passions: Economies of Desire in French Literature and Arts, 1100-1815,” held at Washington University, Oct. 3-5.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori gave a talk at the Association of Japanese Literary Studies conference at the University of Chicago on Oct. 19. Her paper was titled “Narrating Modernity: Tokugawa Musei, Creative Adaptation, and Benshi Performance.”

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal has published "Portrait de Saint-Preux en personnage transgenre dans Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse in a collection of essays titled Masculinités en révolution: de Rousseau à Balzac, Saint-Étienne, 2013.

  • A book in which Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Xavier Tubau contributed a chapter has been published by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. It is titled Las razones del censor. Control ideológico y censura de libros en la primera Edad Moderna (Understanding the censor. Ideological control and book censorship in the Early Modern Period).

  • Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of East Asian Languages and Literature and director of the Associated Colleges in China program, was an invited speaker at a conference held Sept. 23-24 in Washington, D.C. The conference was organized by the U.S. Department of Education’s International and Foreign Language Education office.


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