  • Associate Professor of Chemistry Myriam Cotten and her research team received instrument time at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Samples were prepared at Hamilton by Kim Bogardus ’14, Jeremy Brendle ’14 and  Cotten and sent to collaborator Prof. Ella Mihailescu for analysis on MAGIK, a world-class instrument dedicated to me

  • On Oct. 27, Alexander Hare ’14 and Isabelle “Izzy” Weisman ’15 sailed to Antarctica to continue ongoing research initiated by Eugene Domack, the J.W. Johnson Family Professor of Geosciences and director of Larsen Ice Shelf System – Antarctica (LARISSA), a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded and Hamilton College supported initiative. Domack’s former student, Amelia Shevenell ’96, is serving as chief scientist on this cruise.

  • Dave Tewksbury, geosciences technician, presented Nike Missile site tracking research at the annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America in Denver on Oct. 27. LiveScience reported on his project to build a geo-referenced database of Nike missile sites through Google Earth. Fox News published an expanded interview with Tewksbury.

  • Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck presented his postdoctoral research at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Northeastern Regional Meeting (NERM) on Oct. 25.

  • Associate Professor of Biology Mike McCormick gave an invited talk at the New England regional meeting of the American Society for Microbiology at the University of Connecticut on Oct. 25. McCormick discussed the work that he and his students are conducting at Green Lake in Fayetteville, N.Y.

  • Professor of Biology Jinnie Garrett presented at the Oct.3-5 AAC&U conference “Global Learning in College: Asking Big Questions, Engaging Urgent Challenges” in Providence, R.I.

  • Eugene Domack, the Joel W. Johnson Family Professor of Environmental Studies, was the guest speaker at the October meeting of the Central New York Association of Professional Geologists (CNYAPG) in Syracuse, N.Y.

  • Stephen Harper Kirner Professor of Computer Science Stuart Hirshfield, along with seven students, attended the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) of Women in Computing Conference Oct. 2 – 5 in Minneapolis.

  • Assistant Professors of Mathematics Courtney Gibbons and Andrew Dykstra presented invited research talks at the fall southeastern sectional meeting of the American Mathematical Society.

  • Ernest Williams, the William R. Kenan Professor of Biology, was featured in a New York Times editorial, “Monarchs Fight for Their Lives,” published on Sunday, Oct. 13. Written by Verlyn Klinkenborg, the essay addressed the threats to the long-term survival of the butterfly.

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