  • Patricia O'Neill,  the Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of Literature & Creative Writing, presented a paper titled "Poetry and Computers: Making and Meaning" at the Society for Textual Studies conference in Ottawa, Canada, on April 15. Her talk included presentation of an interactive poetry generator that encourages writers and students to write ghazals.

  • A paper titled “Unearthing the ‘Green’ Personality: Core Traits Predict Environmentally Friendly Behavior,” co-authored by Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Cameron Brick, was referenced in an article that appeared in the Santa Barbara Independent (Santa Barbara, Calif.) on April 10.

  • During an April 5  NPR Hidden Brain Grit,”  University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth spoke about research conducted by Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology. Duckworth described Chambliss as “one of my favorite thinkers on this topic,” and referenced his extensive research on Olympic swimmers.

  • Professor of Russian and Eurasian History Shoshana Keller presented remarks on "Russia/Eurasia: Borders of the Land, Borders of the Mind" at the inaugural symposium Bordered: Conceptualizing Eurasia at Colgate University April 8 - 9.

  • The New York Times published a letter to the editor written by Ernest Williams, the William R. Kenan Professor of Biology Emeritus, titled Challenges Facing the Monarch Butterfly on March 7. In response to a Feb. 28 article titled Monarch Butterfly Migration Rebounds Easing Some Fears, Williams pointed out that, “...this year’s measurement remains less than a quarter of what it was 20 years ago.”

  • A photo from the Desert Eyes Project appears on the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of International Science and Engineering Website banner. The photo, part of a rotating series, shows Barbara Tewksbury, the Upson Chair for Public Discourse and professor of geosciences, and Claire Sayler ’12 doing fieldwork in Egypt.

  • “Gender, experimenter gender and medium of report influence the content of autobiographical memory report, an article co-authored by Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Azriel Grysman and Amelia Denney ’17 was recently published in the journal Memory.

  • A paper co-authored by Assistant Professor of Biology Cynthia Downs was recently published by The American Naturalist. “Speeding up growth: selection for mass-independent maximal metabolic rate alters growth rates” describes the results of the authors’ study of the relationship of metabolic rates to pace-of-life.

  • Sally Cockburn, professor of mathematics, presented her paper, "Preimages of Small Geometric Cycles," at the Combinatorics and Optimization Seminar at the University of Ottawa on Jan. 29. This work is part of her ongoing research into measuring the complexity of straight-line representations of networks, in terms their vertex adjacency and edge crossing structures.

  • The American School of Classical Studies at Athens recently announced the appointment of John McEnroe as Elizabeth A. Whitehead Visiting Professor for the 2016-17 academic year. McEnroe is the John and Anne Fischer Professor of Fine Arts at Hamilton.


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