  • The Peace Corps recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and noted that since 1961, 218 of its volunteers have been Hamilton graduates. Most recently Kerry Coughlin ’11, Megan Bumb ’10, Jane Fieldhouse ’10 and Elijah Lachance ’10 served in the Peace Corp ranks.

  • “Cats, Dogs, and Social Minds: Learning from Alan Palmer—and Sixth Graders,” by Corinne Bancroft ’10 and Professor of Comparative Literature Peter J. Rabinowitz, has appeared in a special issue of Style.

  • Stone Professor of Psychology Douglas Weldon presented a poster titled “Visual Cortical Evoked Potentials During and After MK-801 Administration in Rats” at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience on Nov. 16 in Washington, D.C.

  • Douglas Weldon, the Stone Professor of Psychology, presented a poster at the International Brain Research Organization’s (IBRO) Eighth World Congress of Neuroscience on July 15, in Florence, Italy. “Effects of Anpirtoline Administration on Acoustic Startle Responses and Sensorimotor Gating in Rats” presented three experiments based on initial work by the poster’s co-author Caroline Briggs ’10 for her senior thesis in neuroscience.

  • Alex De Moor '10 recently completed more than a month of field work in Namibia working on the Neoproterozoic glacigenic rocks of the Otavi Platform. Among other results of the field work were the collection and discovery of perhaps some of the earliest forms of animal fossils every found, that his team uncovered these unusual forms at the base of the Ediacaran section right above a prominent glacial layer known as a tillite.

  • Professor of Comparative Literature Peter J. Rabinowitz has published “‘The Impossible Has a Way of Passing Unnoticed’: Reading Science in Fiction” in the May issue of Narrative. The article is a development of a paper originally delivered in 2009 at a symposium on narrative, science and performance at Ohio State University.

  • A paper co-authored by Associate Professor of Psychology Jennifer Borton was published in the March-April issue of The Journal of Social Psychology. “Does Suppressing the Thought of a Self-Relevant Stigma Affect Interpersonal Interaction?” was co-written with David Reiner ’05, Erica Vazquez ’08, Jessica Ruddiman ’09 and Stephanie Anglin ’10.

  • The New York Times featured Hamilton’s marathon reading of John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost in an article in the Education Life section of the Sunday, Jan. 9, edition. Orchestrated last spring by Elizabeth J. McCormack Professor of English Margaret Thickstun, the 12-hour Milton fest drew some 60 students, faculty and community members.

  • The DownBeat Keys, a band composed of Kadahj Bennett '12, Will Preston '11, Jared Schneider '11, Baldwin Tang '10, Ryan Calabrese '09, and Andrew Root '09, is scheduled to perform at The Bitter End in New York City on Saturday, Dec. 18. Because the Bitter End is one of the city's most well-known clubs, The DownBeat Keys have captured the attention of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP), who profiled the band in their "Radar Report."

  • An article by Kate Arpino '10, "Post Annealing Immersion: a new technique for studying rare earth ions in porous materials," was published online by the Journal of Luminescence.


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