  • “Worries about a gender gap on campuses oversimplify the situation,” an essay co-authored by President David Wippman in The Washington Post, provided an overview of women’s participation in higher education beginning in the colonial period.

  • In an op-ed appearing in The Hill, President David Wippman and Cornell professor Glenn Altschuler discussed Oklahoma’s law targeting “critical race theory” and how it forbids teaching students about historic events including the Tulsa Massacre, one of the worst instances of racially motivated violence in U.S. history.

  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. Here are the second quarter’s national news coverage highlights. The articles include expert commentary on wars in Ukraine and Sudan, opinions on civic education, and an explanation of how the concept of race evolved in the Renaissance, among others.

  • June’s news highlights ranged from admission issues to air quality to Russia and President Putin.

  • Hamilton’s Alumni Council has elected three alumni trustees to serve on the Board of Trustees for four-year terms beginning July 1. They are Edvige Jean-Francois ’90, Kevin O’Donnell ’89, P’22,’25, and William Schmoker ’89.

  • In an email to the Hamilton community on June 22, Dean of Faculty Ngoni Munemo announced the death of Walcott-Bartlett Professor of Religion Emeritus Jay Williams ’54, P’83, GP’11, ’19. Wiliams was 90 years old.

  • Hamilton alumni, students, and colleagues send well-wishes and thanks to four members of the faculty who will enter the world of retirement at the conclusion of the 2022-23 academic year. We asked each of them to reflect on their time on College Hill and what’s next.

  • More than 1,200 alumni, family and friends descended on the Hill to Party On, reconnect with old friends and make new memories at Reunions 2023, on June 8 to 11. Of special note, this year marked the largest Hamilton 50th Reunion class - with 82 registered.

  • In a Washington Post essay titled “We have a civics education crisis — and deep divisions on how to solve it,” President David Wippman and Cornell Professor Glenn Altschuler discussed Americans’ lack of knowledge of civics and U.S. history. They reviewed three centuries’ worth of disagreements and variations in how these subjects have been presented beginning with the birth of the nation up to the present.

  • Hamilton College has been selected to join a prestigious network of colleges and universities that have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing experiences and advancing outcomes for first-generation college students.

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