  • On Jan. 14, 45 new members of the Class of 2026 officially joined the Hamily. Orientation leaders provided a warm welcome to the January admits as they checked in, moved into their residence hall homes, and got right to it with orientation group meetings, a welcome luncheon with President David Wippman, Dean of Faculty Ngoni Munemo, Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer, and Dean of Students Chris Card. They signed the College register at matriculation in Buttrick Hall and learned about Hamilton’s Honor Code.

  • College videographer Zack Stanek takes a look back at 2022 at Hamilton.

  • As you prepare to turn your calendar page to 2023, you’re probably wondering — What were the top Hamilton news stories of 2022? Well, ponder no more. We’ve compiled this list just for you!

  • Five days, 120 student leaders, 60 trips.  After they arrived on campus and moved in, all members of the Class of 2026 set off on orientation trips aimed at connecting them with their classmates and introducing them to the area.

  • Imaginatively costumed Orientation Leaders shouting boisterous cheers, honking car horns, and very creative signs welcomed members of Hamilton’s newest students to the Hill on Aug. 16.

  • When Hamilton’s class of 2024 arrived on campus in August, 2020, it was in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, so many of the usual opportunities and experiences for new students were not possible. In an effort to make up for that, Hamilton this year offered sophomores the opportunity to take Adirondack Adventure trips during Fall Break.

  • Rain— and plenty of it — greeted new students and families, but that did not deter Hamilton’s orientation leaders from providing a raucous and warm welcome to members of the Class of 2025 and transfer students when they arrived on the Hill on Aug. 17 for move-in and new student orientation. Orientation continues through Aug. 25, then classes for all students begin on Aug. 26.

  • Members of Hamilton’s class of 2024 have arrived, moved in, and completed orientation, and upperclassmen have returned to the HiIl for a fall 2020 semester that will be remembered as unlike any other in Hamilton’s long history.

  • Members of Hamilton’s Class of 2024 began arriving on campus today to begin COVID-19 screening and move into their residence halls. Arrivals will be staggered across Monday and Tuesday, to allow for social distancing and minimized contact.

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