  • Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity changed the way we understand the world. Now, Abrar Ahmed ’13 is working with Associate Professor of Physics Seth Major on thought experiments that would modify Einstein’s Special Relativity.

  • Sarah Fobes’12 presented a poster at the International Conference on Luminescence, held in Ann Arbor, Mich., June 26- July 1. Her poster was titled “Post-annealing immersion study of sol-gel silicate glasses containing rare earth dopants.”

  • Fluorescent materials have important implications for modern technologies. However, the study of fluorescence can be a complex and precise matter. This summer, Erin Bessette-Kirton ’12, a physics major with minors in math and geology, will work with Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith to investigate the structure of terbium in doped sol-gel glass and the terbium concentration’s effect on fluorescence decay.

  • Solar cells hold the potential to provide an efficient and environmentally-clean energy source. With the recent interest in alternative forms of energy, solar power is gaining importance, and so is research on solar cell efficiency. Over the summer, Sarah Fobes is working on an innovative method of improving solar cell efficiency using rare earth elements. She is collaborating with Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith on their project, “Quantum Cutting to Enhance Solar Cell Efficiency.”

  • Two groups of local third-grade students recently enjoyed some hands-on science learning with the help of Hamilton’s science faculty. For about 20 years, Professor of Biology Dave Gapp has organized “Science Exploration Days” which bring classes of elementary school students to Hamilton for guided tours and short lessons in various areas of science.

  • Ann Silversmith, professor of physics, presented a lecture on March 29 at Ithaca College. “Synthesis and spectroscopy of rare earth based sol-gel glasses” reported results of work done with Kate Arpino ’10 and Andrew Beyler ’10. Silversmith also presented this work earlier in the semester at Davidson College.

  • Professor of Physics Emeritus Philip Pearle was invited to be the first speaker at the "New Frontiers in Quantum Foundations" conference at Clemson University, March 9-11.  He gave a technical lecture titled "Topics in Collapse," as requested and also first gave a talk, "Sociological Snippets," about his experiences in the field of foundations of physics over almost 50 years.

  • Four physics majors - Anne Vilsoet '11, Sarah Fobes '12, Erin Bessette-Kirton '12 and Eliza Jonathan '13 - attended the the fourth annual Northeast Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, held Jan. 14 – 16 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Vilsoet and Fobes both presented posters based on research they did at Hamilton. Vilsoet's poster was titled "Simulating Type Ia Supernovae Rise-Time Curves" and Fobes presented "Porosity Reduction in rare earth doped sol-gel glasses."

  • Assistant Professor of Physics Natalia Connolly was recently named the recipient of a $15,000 research grant from the Hubble Space Telescope Cycle E/PO Grant Program. Connolly’s grant is a companion grant to a research program on the phenomenon of strong-lensing, a program for which Connolly is co-investigator.

  • Ken Bart, Brian Collett and Phil Pearle (together with three coauthors from the University of Montana) published a paper in the American Journal of Physics in December (Vol. 78, pp. 1278-1289) titled "What Brown saw and you can too." In addition, they have launched a more detailed website. Bart is director of the Microscopy and Imaging Facility and Collett and Pearle are professors of physics.


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