  • An essay by Professor of History Lisa Trivedi is included in Performative Communication: Culture and Politics in South Asia, recently published by Routledge.

  • Professor of History Lisa Trivedi was recently named the winner of the Van J. Symons Distinguished Service Award by ASIANetwork, a consortium of 165 liberal arts colleges with programs in Asian Studies.

  • Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal K. Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad curated by Professor of History Lisa Trivedi and Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight opened at City Hall in Sacramento California on Feb 6.

  • Hamilton College’s highest awards for teaching were presented to four faculty members during the annual Class & Charter Day ceremony on May 9.

  • Hamilton College Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds announced the promotion of four Hamilton faculty members to the rank of professor. Brian Collett, physics; Heather Merrill, Africana studies; Cheryl Morgan, French; and Lisa Trivedi, history, were promoted effective Oct. 3.

  • ASIANetwork Exchange: A Journal of Asian Studies for the Liberal Arts, co-edited by Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi, is now available through the Open Library of the Humanities (OHL). Trivedi co-edits the semi-annual, double-blind peer reviewed journal with Erin McCarthy of St. Lawrence University.

  • Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi traveled to Kyoto, Japan, to present a paper at the 17th World Economic History Congress.  Her paper "A Swadeshi Economy: catalogues, shops, and depots" addressed the various ways in which a movement often characterized as anti-capitalist and anti-modern made effective use of new technologies and innovative marketing strategies to promote khadi, or handspun hand-woven cloth.

  • Mariel Radek ’16 is pursuing research this summer through an Emerson Foundation grant exploring the socio-political position of women in Francisco Franco’s Nationalist Spain. Radek’s research, under the advisement of Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi, is delving into the role of the Feminine Section (La sección femenina), and its leader Pilar Primo de Rivera in forwarding an unusually progressive agenda during the largely conservative reign of the Francoists.

  • Five Hamilton faculty members were recognized for their research and creative successes with the Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards, presented by Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds on Class & Charter Day on May 11. The awards recognize individual accomplishment but reflect a richness and depth of scholarship and creative activity across the entire faculty.

  • Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi delivered a paper "Depicting Labour, Performing Labour: Working Women in Pranlal Patel's Jyoti Sangh Series" and Chaired a panel at a conference held at Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India.

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