  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, recently attended the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS). The event took place in Toronto Jan. 5th to 8th.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, published an article titled “Simone Weil: Receiving the Iliad” in Women Classical Scholars: Unsealing the Fountain from the Renaissance to Jacqueline de Romilly.

  • Professor of Africana Studies and Classics Shelley Haley was recently presented with an ovatio for her service to the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) and the classics profession in general.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, was recently elected vice president for the Professional Matters Division of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS). She will serve a four-year term on the SCS board of directors.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, attended the Liberal Arts College Classics Chairs Summit at Skidmore College June 21-23. The meeting of 31 classics chairs and directors was supported by Hamilton, along with Middlebury and Skidmore Colleges and the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, presented a paper titled “Were Female Martyrs Transgendered? Perpetua Between Genders” at the seventh triennial Feminism and Classics conference in Seattle on May 20.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, co-organized and co-directed a seminar at the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in San Francisco on January 7.  The seminar was titled "Responses to Homer's Iliad by Women Writers, from WW2 to the Present"; it was by advance registration only and had 25 participants.

  • Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom, a book co-edited by Professor of Comparative Literature Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, was chosen as the inaugural winner of the Teaching Literature Book Award.

  • As more and more contemporary scholars begin to reevaluate the roles of female characters in foundational ancient texts, Grace Berg ’16 is this summer assessing scholarly reactions to reimaginings of Penelope, the wife of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey through an Emerson Summer Collaborative Research Award.  Berg’s project is titled Penelope and Her Odyssey: A Reception Study, and her adviser is Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor and chair of Classics.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, presented an invited talk on April 10 at Boston University during the 21st Annual Meeting of the Boston Area Roman Studies Conference.


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