  • Barbara Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, presented an invited lecture on May 28 at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

  • Barbara Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, published a book titled Roman Literature, Gender and Reception: Domina Illustris.

  • Six Hamilton faculty members were recognized for their research and creative successes with the Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards, presented by Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds during Class & Charter Day on May 13. The awards recognize individual accomplishment but reflect a richness and depth of scholarship and creative activity across the entire faculty.

  • Barbara Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, presented a paper on March 24 during the Women as Classical Scholars Conference at King’s College in London.

  • Barbara Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, was the outside examiner on a dissertation for a Ph.D. candidate in University of Toronto classics department.

  • The scholarly achievements of female faculty authors in the humanities and social sciences at Hamilton College were celebrated at a book party in the Burke Library this winter. 

  • The national media highlighted Hamilton College in multiple ways throughout 2012 by focusing on faculty research and expertise, featuring opinion pieces, and announcing new endeavors and special student projects. From The Today Show to NPR’s All Things Considered to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the college was visible in the media across the country.

  • Edward North Professor of Classics Barbara Gold attended the meeting of the American Philological Association (APA) Jan. 3-6 in Seattle. The annual gathering of educators and scholars is the main meeting for classicists.

  • Barbara Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, has published an article on "Literary Patronage" in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (ed. R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A Erskine, and S. Huebner; Blackwell 2013).  This appears in the Wiley Online Library.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, was invited to be a guest at the Center for the Humanities at Washington University in Saint Louis.  While there she gave a lecture titled "Juvenal the Roman Satirist: One Man or Many?"  She also gave a workshop for faculty and graduate students on "What is a Cinaedus?"


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