  • Barbara Gold, the  Edward North Professor of Classics, attended the annual meeting of the American Philological Association in Philadelphia on Jan. 5-8, where she delivered a paper titled “Juvenal: The Idea of the Book,” at a session on “Roman Satire.”

  • Edward North Professor of Classics Barbara Gold was presented with an ovatio (a speech of praise in Latin) at the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) on Oct. 13, in Baltimore. Presented to one or two people each year, the award is given for service to the teaching profession and to CAAS, as well as for scholarship.

  • WAMC/Northeast Public Radio in Albany featured a reading by Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, on Monday, Sept. 26, as part of the public radio station’s Academic Minute. Gold examined how Christians of the late Roman Empire created the modern concept of what it means to be a martyr. Academic Minute can also be heard on many other public radio stations across the nation and is featured daily on InsideHigherEd. The program airs each weekday at 7:37 a.m. and 3:56 p.m. on 90.3 FM in the Clinton area.

  • Barbara K. Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, gave an invited talk,  "Comedy in Ancient Greece and Rome: What Was Funny, Whose Humor Was It, and How Do We Explain Jokes Without Killing Them?" at an international conference on Women and Comedy: History, Theory,  Practice at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics,  gave a paper at the Classical Association meeting in Durham, United Kingdom, on April 17.  The paper was part of a session on "Late Antique Constructs" and was titled "'And I Became a Man':  Gender Fluidity and Closure in Perpetua's Fourth Vision."

  • Edward North Professor of Classics Barbara Gold gave a paper at the annual meeting of the American Philological Association in San Antonio on Jan. 8. Her paper, "Teaching Ancient Comedy: Race Matters," was part of a panel on "Teaching Uncomfortable Subjects in the Classics Classroom."

  • Edward North Professor of Classics Barbara Gold and Winslow Professor of Classics Carl Rubino traveled to Tunisia (North Africa) in July where they visited an NEH seminar on "Augustine and Perpetua: Autobiography in its Roman Context."

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, gave an invited lecture to the Classics Department at Columbia University on April 21. The lecture was titled "Perpetua, Martyr: Athlete of God" and was part of Gold's book project on the Saint Perpetua for Oxford University Press.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, was interviewed for the Livescience.com Web site for a story titled "Valentines in Ancient Rome Were All About Pain" (2/14/10). "Unlike what you see in contemporary stores where we have valentines that are all clouds and dreamy and romantic, the Romans had a very different kind of take on love," said Gold, "It's not something that is a good feeling usually; it's something that torments you."

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, gave six lectures at four universities in New Zealand -- the University of Auckland, Victoria University in Wellington, University of Canterbury in Christchurch, and Otago University in Dunedin -- in September and October.


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