Class of 2028’s First Thoughts on Hamilton
Daniel Hand High School
Orientation Trip: Exploration Adventure: Civil Discourse and Local Politics
First-Semester Classes: Intro to Biology: Diagnostic Odyssey, Statistics, International Relations, Postcolonial Detective Fiction
Extracurricular Activities: Mock Trial, Student Government Alliance, intern in the Career Center
Go-to Dining Spot and Meal: The salad station at Commons
Which class did you enjoy most (and why)?
Intro to Biology: Diagnostic Odyssey with Professor Bochkov. As an intended biology major, I love how Hamilton allows us to begin specializing in the branch we’re interested in from the introductory course. It made the class very engaging, interesting, and allowed me to be passionate about the field I love!
What’s been your favorite Hamilton moment?
Being a part of the winning team at my first ever Mock Trial tournament, the Binghamton Bearcat Invitational.
Where is your favorite place to go off campus (and why)?
I love downtown Clinton in general. All of the stores are charming and, in general, it’s just a lovely place to stroll around.
How have your advisors helped you during your first semester?
My career advisor, John Ossowski, has been super helpful. Having the Career Center has been an excellent resource in helping me refine the path toward my future career.
Complete this sentence: “When I’m not in class, you can find me …”
… working in KJ, taking a walk around campus, or just spending time with my friends!
High School: Francis Lewis High School
Orientation Trip: Adirondack Adventure Basecamp (Cheddar group)
First-Semester Classes: Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Divine Bodies and Sculptures in South and Southeast Asia
Extracurricular Activities: CSI (Community Service Internship) through COOP, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, Levitt Center Community Conversations intern
Go-to Campus Dining Spot: McEwen
Which class did you enjoy most (and why)?
The small group of 13 students in my Divine Bodies and Sculptures in South and Southeast Asia class are all academically talented and passionate about the subject, so I’m glad that I was able to learn from them. Professor Menon pushes you out of your comfort zone, and I am glad that I got to work with her.
How have your advisors helped you during your first semester?
I met with my ALEX advisor three times this semester. Noelle Niznik is such an easy person to talk to and super helpful. When I was asking about the Oxford study abroad program, she reached out to the Global Learning Office and gave me clarification and advice.
Where is your favorite place to go off campus (and why)?
I love going to Cinema Marquee in New Hartford because I can relax with my friends without worrying about my school work or job.
Complete this sentence: “Something I recently added to my Hamilton bucket list is...”
… to create the Hamilton College Moot Court Club.
Complete this sentence: “When I’m not in class, you can find me…”
… in the Levitt Center eating Chipotle.
Lander Valley High School
Orientation Trip: Exploration Adventure: Stay Tuned
First-Semester Classes: Global Gothic, Classics on Film, Econ 100, Issues in Education
Extracurricular Activities: WHCL (radio station), Star Wars Club
Go-to Dining Spot and Meal: Diner burger with just American cheese
Which class did you enjoy most (and why)?
Classics on Film with Professor Witzke. She was super fun and engaging, it had a manageable work load, and overall I learned a lot while having fun.
Where is your favorite place to go off campus (and why)?
Big Apple Music in New Hartford. I love instruments, and they have a big left-handed section, which is rare. It’s sick.
How have your advisors helped you during your first semester?
I have met with my ALEX advisor, Carly Martin, and she helped me really consider going abroad, which I was not thinking about prior to meeting with her. She’s super friendly as well.
Lakewood High School
Orientation Trip: Exploration Adventure: Art in the Adirondacks
First-Semester Courses: Principles of Archaeology, Introduction to sculpture, Intersections global art, violin lessons
Extracurricular Activities: I’ve been trying a bunch of clubs, but have not committed to any yet!
What’s something you’ve done at Hamilton that “high school you” would be surprised about?
Going to sex bingo hosted by the Center for Intersectional Feminism (CIF).
How have your advisors helped you during your first semester?
They have both [ALEX advisor and Career Center advisor] helped me find financial aid opportunities to help me go to a field school during this summer.
Complete this sentence: “Something I recently added to my Hamilton bucket list is…”
… go walking in the Glen when it is covered in snow.
West Orange High School
Orientation Trip: Exploration Adventure: Wild Soul
First-Semester Classes: Intro to Environmental Studies, Postcolonial Detective Fiction, International Relations, Global Geological and Environmental Challenges
Extracurricular Activities: Freshman class president, Hamilton Harvest captain, piano lessons, QuestBridge Scholar, Joan Hinde Stewart Career Development Program, “What If” Committee and LITS faculty student representative, CSI (Community Service Internship) through COOP
Go-to Dining Spot and Meal: U-Cook stations to make a sandwich with a bagel, eggs, Swiss cheese, tomato, lettuce, and chipotle sauce
Which class did you enjoy the most (and why)?
By far, my favorite class was Intro to Environmental Studies! Professor Strong’s teaching style gears toward learning applicable knowledge, and I found it extremely interesting.
What’s been your favorite Hamilton moment?
My friends and I had a pasta night; it also happened to be the first night I saw snowfall! It has been so amazing to get to know people on campus, and it feels like I am constantly meeting more.
What’s something you’ve done at Hamilton that “high-school you” would be surprised about?
I think high-school me would be shocked to learn I joined SGA (Student Government Alliance). I never considered it in high school, but it’s been a highlight of my time here.
How have your advisors helped you during your first semester?
I have met with both my ALEX advisor and career advisor numerous times. Every other week, I participate in the Joan Hinde Stewart Career Development program, where my career advisor is present. My ALEX advisor and I have met twice to discuss my classes and activities on campus. Both are amazing individuals!
Complete this sentence: “Something I recently added to my Hamilton bucket list is…”
… commit to trying new things, even if I have never done anything like it before. For example, I never formally took music lessons, but I feel I have grown in that skill!
Berkshire School (Sheffield, Mass.)
Orientation Trip: Adirondack Adventure: Blue Mountain Hiking
First-Semester Classes: Intro Psychology, Intro Economics, Everyday Islam, International Relations
Extracurricular Activities: Varsity Basketball
Go-to Dining Spot and Meal: A diner Guapo wrap without tomatoes
Which class did you enjoy most (and why)?
International Relations with Professor David Rivera. It’s an interesting course that covers material regarding world politics and history, and we’ve had some great discussions in this class.
What has been your favorite Hamilton moment?
Too many to single one out. Some of them are the last night of my orientation trip — everybody’s spirits were at an all-time high and the general vibe was great. Scoring my first points for Hamilton in our season opener was also a moment I will never forget. I will also add all the times I’ve hung out with the basketball team and all the games we’ve played so far.
Where is your favorite place to go off campus (and why)?
Any road game with my team where we get a W (win).
What is something you’ve done at Hamilton that “high-school you” would be surprised about?
High-school me would struggle to believe I spent four days in the woods, drinking pond water, digging a hole to use the bathroom, all without a phone and with people I had just met.
Complete this sentence: “Something I recently added to my Hamilton bucket list is …”
… winning a NESCAC championship.
The Hamilton Experience

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