Hamilton will host the Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Conference, an academic conference that will focus on teaching and learning for a meaningful life, on Saturday, April 2. The conference is supported by the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation and will take place in the Kennedy Auditorium, Science Center.
The conference will feature six speakers, all of whom have been recognized as either a state or national Professor of the Year by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
Participating from the Hamilton faculty will be the Elihu Root Peace Fund Associate Professor of Women's Studies Vivyan Adair whose topic is “Navigating Porous Intellectual Boundaries: Knowledge, Power and Ethics Within and Beyond the Classroom”; William R. Kenan Professor of Chinese Hong Gang Jin who will discuss “Effective Teaching is a Relationship Building Process”; and Upson Chair of Public Discourse and Professor of Geosciences Barb Tewksbury whose talk is titled “Lessons From Apollo :What do You Want Your Students to be Good At? How Will You Get Them There?”
Visiting speakers will include John Elder, College Professor Emeritus at Middlebury College, whose topic is “Learning to Let Go”; Jo Beth Mertens, associate professor and chair of economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges speaking on “True Grit: I Am Not Your Mother and This Is Not A Democracy”; and Stephen H. Loomis, the Jean C. Temple ’65 Professor of Biology at Connecticut College, whose talk is titled “Kindling the Fire in Undergraduate Biology Students.”
The conference will consist of a 30-minute presentation from each speaker and two 20-minute panel discussions, moderated by Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Professor of Biology Ernest Williams. Students, alumni and faculty are welcome to attend.