
Launched January 2021 - President Wippman, members of senior staff, and campus leaders share insights, information, and inspiration

How Does the COVID-19 Task Force Decide the Campus Operating Status?

By Karen Leach, Vice President for Administration and Finance

Many of you ask how we decide about the College’s operating status. It’s not as simple as one hard number, rather the COVID-19 Task Force and steering committee consider a blend of factors.

Of course, there is a primary emphasis on the number of active campus cases of coronavirus. We also evaluate the trendline over the past week or longer, along with the number of students in isolation and quarantine and the College’s capacity to support them. We ask whether we have the people available to deliver the academic program and essential services. Regional positivity and hospitalization data are also important. If things got really extreme, then we would be talking about the potential of resource shortages and unforeseen financial impacts.

Finally, student behavior also plays into it. If we allow more privileges, can we trust that protocols will be maintained? Parties (thankfully there have been few), visitors from out of town and other campuses, and simply not wearing masks in general are known for spreading the virus.

Hamilton has been operating successfully in COVID Standard (Blue) status for the last two weeks thanks to so many community members adhering to the protocols. We hope that soon we can move to COVID Normal (Green) status which would permit students to go into Clinton and New Hartford, parents to visit students outdoors, and admission tours to begin again when spring weather arrives.

Currently, we have only four positive student cases, but there are 31 close contacts who were moved to quarantine this week. It is a manageable number based on hotel capacity and our ability to support these students off campus, but it means we can’t move to Green status until we determine whether there are any more positive cases. Please continue to practice all the health and safety protocols to your best ability and inspire others to do the same. Encourage students to stay strong, and help them see the positive perspective by reminding them of the activities they can do safely.

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