
Launched January 2021 - President Wippman, members of senior staff, and campus leaders share insights, information, and inspiration

So Your Emocha Badge Is Yellow

By Steve Stemkoski, Director of Human Resources

Recently, I have received a number of questions about how to complete the emocha daily check-in after receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Some employees who have received the second shot have experienced coronavirus symptoms soon afterward. As a result, employees have wondered how to answer the questions presented in the emocha app. 

Of course, not everyone experiences symptoms from the vaccine, but if you do, you should answer the questions in emocha honestly. This will likely result in a yellow badge, which means that you should stay home. As a general recommendation, if you are receiving the second dose, then please consider making arrangements to address any work related concerns in the event that you have symptoms which trigger a yellow badge.

It is also important to take your time answering the emocha questions to be sure they are correct. Mistakes can impact your ability to be on campus and possibly disrupt departmental operations. For the health and safety of our campus community, any emocha badge color other than green blocks you from eating in the dining hall, visiting the campus testing center, working out at the fitness center, going inside the library, and other campus activities. 

If you have questions or need help, please reach out to me, and I can help you develop a strategy that will best serve our community.

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