Sports-Specific Logos
Intramural sports and items created for wellness events and activities may also use athletics graphics, but are not required to do so. Any use of athletics graphics must follow style guidelines.
*There will be a three-year transition period to comply with this standard. By fall 2018, all varsity and club sports apparel must be compliant. Graphics on fields or courts will be updated when reasonable to do so.
Official sport-specific lockups can be created for any club, intramural sport, or wellness activity that is not currently listed here. Please contact:
Lockup Options
Sport-specific lockup — vertical
Sport-specific lockup — horizontal
Sport-specific lockup — Block H Only
Sport-specific Wordmark

Color Options
• Blue • Buff • White • Black • Gray — are the only colors permitted with ANY use of athletics graphics.
The color options are shown below. Please note that the primary College color is Continental blue and it is always the preference to include this blue in the presentation of graphics. Ideally an item using the graphics on a black background would have blue present elsewhere on the item, for example a black jacket with the graphics as shown below on the black background might have blue side panels, or the bottom half of the jacket could be blue. Graphics placed on shades of grey should follow the images shown below.

Sport-specific logos have already been created for many sports and wellness activities; please contact to request an existing logo or to have a new logo produced.
The marks that comprise our graphic identity are trademarked and their use must comply with the standards set forth in this style guide. It is never permissible to alter any of the graphics. Always use official graphics files; no attempts should be made to re-create any of these graphics.