  • Seniors! Come by the OCC for a quick information session about the Three Minute Thesis Competition where you can earn money for talking about your project! The competition is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. All participants must attend an information session in order to qualify for the competition. Questions? Email

    When  12:15 p.m. Thursday, April 24
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 222A Oral Communication Classroom, Map #14
  • Seniors! Come by the OCC for a quick information session about the Three Minute Thesis Competition where you can earn money for talking about your project! The competition is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. All participants must attend an information session in order to qualify for the competition. Questions? Email

    When  4:15 p.m. Thursday, April 24
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 222A Oral Communication Classroom, Map #14
  • Seniors! Come by the OCC for a quick information session about the Three Minute Thesis Competition where you can earn money for talking about your project! The competition is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. All participants must attend an information session in order to qualify for the competition. Questions? Email

    When  12:15 p.m. Monday, April 28
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 222A Oral Communication Classroom, Map #14
  • Seniors! Come by the OCC for a quick information session about the Three Minute Thesis Competition where you can earn money for talking about your project! The competition is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. All participants must attend an information session in order to qualify for the competition. Questions? Email

    When  4:15 p.m. Monday, April 28
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 222A Oral Communication Classroom, Map #14
  • Seniors! Come by the OCC for a quick information session about the Three Minute Thesis Competition where you can earn money for talking about your project! The competition is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. All participants must attend an information session in order to qualify for the competition. Questions? Email

    When  12:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 29
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 222A Oral Communication Classroom, Map #14
  • Seniors! Come by the OCC for a quick information session about the Three Minute Thesis Competition where you can earn money for talking about your project! The competition is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. All participants must attend an information session in order to qualify for the competition. Questions? Email

    When  4:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 29
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 222A Oral Communication Classroom, Map #14
  • The Three Minute Thesis competition offers up to $1000 in cash prizes for the seniors who can most effectively summarize their senior projects in three minutes or less. Seniors must tailor their explanations for a broad audience, beyond the college. Community members form the judging panel. Hamilton is one of only a few undergraduate institutions in the U.S. that sponsors the competition. Funding for the 3MT at Hamilton comes from the Ferguson Endowment, which advances oral communication across campus. The competition will be livestreamed here.

    When  10:00 a.m. Saturday, May 3
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 125 Bradford Auditorium, Map #14
    Open to Off Campus Guests


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