
Program Eligibility

  • The Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain is open to students who have completed their sophomore year in good standing at accredited colleges and universities.
  • Although the program is designed primarily for students who will be in their junior year, qualified undergraduates who will be sophomores or seniors will be considered.
  • To be admitted, students must demonstrate a good academic record (at least a B overall average) and high grades in Spanish (with at least one college course above the intermediate level).
  • The program is open to Spanish majors as well as other majors.
  • The selection of applicants is based on a careful examination of their scholastic achievements, their mastery of Spanish, other indications of academic promise and maturity.
  • Candidates must be recommended by the chair of the department of their major.
  • Enrollment is normally limited to 40 students.

Application Information

Deadline for year and fall: March 10
Deadline for spring: October 1

View Application Information and Apply

  • Students are encouraged to discuss their plan with their parents, guardians, advisors and professors and should carefully lay out the courses they will take when they return to their home college.
  • The process calls for advanced planning to assemble references, transcripts, etc.
  • Please make sure that these documents are sent on time. No exceptions will be made.

One-Semester Option

While we encourage students to study in Spain for a full academic year, students may apply for a one-semester stay. Applications are accepted for both the fall and the spring sessions. Each semester will include an orientation.

Financial Assistance

The Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain maintains a small fund to be used for scholarship awards.  The maximum amount usually awarded is $3,000 for full-year students and $1,700 for one-semester students. Priority will be given to students who apply for a full-year, but all students will be considered. Early applicants may also have an advantage.

To apply, you should submit:

  1. A supporting letter from your College (academic advisor, faculty or department chair)
  2. A separate letter stating the reasons and circumstances that necessitate the financial aid request from the Financial Aid Office.

The deadline for application is March 16 for full-year and fall students and October 9 for spring students. State, federal or college scholarships may be applied to the Hamilton program.


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Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain

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