
Live Aligned Coaching, LLC

Maureen Hughes, RN, BSN, NC-BC

In my 35 years as a registered nurse, I have held a variety of roles in the healthcare industry: in hospitals as part of medical/surgical and post-partum units, in home care, in elementary schools, and most recently (2014-2021) in the Johnson Health Center here at Hamilton College. The common thread in this spectrum of experiences, and the most rewarding aspect of each of these roles, is my focus on connecting with each individual as a whole. I believe the key to wellness is to see each person as the sum of many parts -- not merely the component or condition that led them to seek healthcare assistance. I enjoy connecting with people and learning about their lives, and when I understand a person’s individual story, I can better serve their healthcare needs. Because I am passionate that the best treatment plans require more than assessing a single aspect of a person’s health, I pursued further education and became a Nurse Coach.

As a Nurse Coach, my goal is to empower my clients to gain agency over their health and live life to their fullest potential, regardless of their medical conditions. I take the time to have open and honest conversations to better understand their overall health, then act as a bridge from where they are to where they want to be as it relates to their wellbeing. To help clients make these changes and form lifelong healthy habits, I work with them to create action items that are manageable for that client. I assist in accountability until the changes become habits that align with their values. My work focuses on various health issues, including diabetes management, weight loss, and stress management. I have achieved success in helping clients lower their AIC and feel more in control of their lives.

As your Nurse Coach we will explore what you want your health to look like. We will work together to create a plan that’s individualized to meet your needs and goals and considers all the circumstance of your life. I will work with you to overcome challenges to achieve the results you seek. If you would like to learn more you can reach me at livealignedcoaching1@gmail.com



Contact Name

Stephanie Kowell

Assistant Athletics Director for Fitness and Recreation

Office Location
Blood Fitness Center

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