Faculty News
Assistant professors Viva Horowitz (physics) and Wei Zhan (economics) were approved for tenure at the March meeting of the Board of Trustees.
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Associate Professor of Literature Stephanie Bahr recently presented a paper in Boston at the joint session of the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) and the Renaissance Society of America (RSA).
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Assistant Professor of Theatre Emily K. Harrison was the director for ROLEPLAY, presented recently in Baton Rouge at Louisiana State University’s Swine Palace Theatre.
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Associate Professor of Government Erica De Bruin has been awarded a $68,974 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to fund a new project on "The U.S. Military in a Political Crisis."
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A study of the relationship between political ads and consumer sentiment by Assistant Professor of Economics Cody Couture and Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Chair of Public Policy and Professor of Economics, was recently published in the European Journal of Political Economy.
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An essay by Associate Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner appears as a chapter in Horror in Classical Antiquity and Beyond: Body, Affect, Concepts, a new open-access edited volume from Bloomsbury.
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Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Jack Martínez-Arias recently published an article titled “The Other Indigenismo: Voices from Peru’s Mining Centers (1920–1940)” in the peer-reviewed journal Romance Quarterly.
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Professor of Africana Studies Nigel Westmaas published a review of the text Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean Postcolonial State, edited by Percy C. Hintzen. The review appears in the latest issue of the New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids.
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Russell Marcus, the Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Professor of Philosophy, presented a talk at the Teaching Hub at the 2025 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA).
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Winslow Chair in Modern Science and Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang is a co-author of a recently published research paper on the genomic and proteomic profiles of a megalocytivirus isolated from Larimichthys crocea.