  • USA Today published an opinion piece written by Associate Professor of Government Peter F. Cannavo titled “Global warming reveals our own Game of Thrones” on Oct. 16 in both its online and print editions. In his piece, Cannavo compares the manner in which many in the United States have overlooked or minimized the dangers related to global warming or, in fact, questioned its very existence, to that of the behavior of warring factions in the television show “Game of Thrones.”

  • How College Works, a book co-authored by Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology Daniel Chambliss and his former student Chris Takacs ’05, has been featured by The Chronicle of Higher Education as one of its book club selections for the last six weeks. In closing the book discussion on the Chronicle site and in social media via #ChronBooks, the publication is featuring a video of Chambliss.

  • Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology Daniel Chambliss, James S. Sherman Professor of Government Philip Klinkner and Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Azriel Grysman were highlighted in national publications during the week of Sept. 15.  Chambliss penned an opinion piece for The Chronicle of Higher Education. Klinkner’s remarks appeared on Talking Points Memo (TPM), a major political news website, and Grysman was quoted  in Science of Us, a website within the New York Magazine site.  

  • This summer InsideHigherEd published two opinion pieces by Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology Daniel F. Chambliss, both related to his research and resulting book How College Works. “Learn Your Students’ Names” appeared on August 26 and was preceded by “Beauty in Ugly Dorms” on June 25.

  • How College Works, a book co-authored by the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology Daniel Chambliss, continues to receive attention in the national media, this time as a Chronicle of Higher Education “Book Club” selection. Chambliss, along with his co-author and former student Christopher Takacs ’05, will initiate discussions of the book’s chapters by supplying weekly entries on the publication’s site for six weeks. They will also be tweeting with the hashtag #ChronBooks.

  • A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate has continued to generate reviews and interviews. In its July issue, the Utne Reader excerpted the book for its online site under the title of "Drums: The Rhythme of Life"; the website "Spirituality and Practice" named it one of "The Best Spiritual Books of 2014 (so far),” describing it as “an elegant and illuminating book on the spiritual importance of objects in the religious life.”

  • Associate Professor of Africana Studies Nigel Westmaas spoke on Radio Atlanta WRFG on the significance of the August 1st Emancipation Day which is celebrated in the Anglophone Caribbean.

  • Erica De Bruin, assistant professor of government, published an online article in Foreign Affairs titled "Coup-Proofing for Dummies: The Benefits of Following the Maliki Playbook" on July 27.

  • On the heels of Hamilton’s hosting of the second annual International Wellbeing and Public Policy Conference earlier this June, it seems appropriate that a USA Today article, in which a Hamilton professor is quoted, should focus on the topic as it relates to college campuses generally. In the article titled “Colleges tout well-being, not just job prospects” published on June 22, Dan Chambliss, co-author of How College Works, was quoted on the topic.

  • Philip Klinkner, the James S. Sherman Professor of Government, was quoted, first by Utica’s Observer-Dispatch (OD) and then by the National Review Online (NRO), referencing his OD quotes. The OD article titled “Nearly $1M spent on Hanna's behalf vs. Tenney” appearing on June 13 and the NRO article titled “Is Claudia Tenney the Next David Brat?” and appearing on June 20 compared U.S. Representative Richard Hanna’s campaign for re-election to the New York’s 22nd district against Claudia Tenney to that of Eric Cantor’s campaign.


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