  • Katherine (Katie) Guzzetta ’18 is spending her summer in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, studying Propithecus edwardsi, a lemur native to the island nation. Madagascar is famous for the endangered creatures, primates that look  like a cross between a cat,  squirrel and dog. Guzzetta, an intended biochemistry major, is undertaking this research under Dr. Patricia Wright, head of Centre ValBio and professor at Stony Brook University. 

  • While thousands of scientific articles are published annually, relatively few attract the attention of the general public. The gap between what is understood by scientists and what is common knowledge to the public is the focus of a research project being undertaken by Mary Langworthy ’17 in a project titled “Where Geology Meets Literature: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Science Writing,” funded through the Emerson Foundation.

  • Colin Day ’16 is spending his summer at the National Museum of Mathematics in Manhattan, helping to tackle what he believes to be an all-too-common popular aversion to mathematics in today’s society. Day had discovered this opportunity through the Museum of Mathematics (MoMath’s) Facebook page. His internship is supported by the Monica Odening Student Internship and Research Fund in Mathematics, managed by Hamilton’s Career and Life Outcomes Center.

  • Hannah Staab ’17 is applying her academic focus in biology to an internship with Dr. Kamran Khodakhah’s lab at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NY, this summer. The AE College of Medicine is one of the premier research-intensive medical schools in the nation and is a longtime national leader in biomedical research.

  • Mariel Radek ’16 is pursuing research this summer through an Emerson Foundation grant exploring the socio-political position of women in Francisco Franco’s Nationalist Spain. Radek’s research, under the advisement of Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi, is delving into the role of the Feminine Section (La sección femenina), and its leader Pilar Primo de Rivera in forwarding an unusually progressive agenda during the largely conservative reign of the Francoists.

  • Zachary Pilson '16 is spending his summer in an internship at Ashoka, a not for profit organization dedicated to supporting social innovators and entrepreneurs to “advance an ‘Everyone a Changemaker’ world, where anyone can apply the skills of changemaking to solve complex social problems.” Pilson, a biochemistry major, is working in Ashoka's Venture and Fellowship department which helps locate, nominate, fund and connect new and past Ashoka Fellows throughout the world.

  • Adam Evertz '17 is delving into the limits of human verbal interaction this summer with a research project titled "Failures of Language: Literature and the Indescribable." Evertz is undertaking this research with funding through an Emerson Summer Cooperative Research Award, and under the advisement of The Carolyn C. and David M. Ellis '38 Distinguished Teaching Professor of Comparative Literature, Peter Rabinowitz. 

  • Shea Patrick ’16 is exploring inter-governmental work this summer as an intern for the Public Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Patrick’s internship is supported through the Career Center’s Summer Internship Fund.

  • Jake Meserve Blount ’17 is spending his summer pursuing a fieldwork project under the advisement of Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley titled “Fiddles in the North Country: Uncovering the Ithaca Sound.” Blount’s research is funded through an Emerson Foundation Grant.

  • Leah Pranschke ’17 is spending her summer in Manhattan in an internship with HeadCount, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that seeks to engage the music community in politics and social activism. HeadCount’s primary function is voter registration, which it achieves through the construction of voter registration booths at concerts throughout the country in cooperation with a constantly expanding list of major musicians and artists.


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