  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently published Key Terms in Material Religion, his eighth edited book. The volume includes 37 short essays on key terms that are shaping the rapidly growing field of material religion.

  • The Banquet of Donny & Ari: Scenes from the Opera, by Professor of English and Creative Writing Naomi Guttman, was named the winner of the CNY Book Award in Poetry for 2015. The announcement was made on Dec. 3 in Syracuse, N.Y., at the CNY Book Awards reception.

  • Tu le diras à ma mère, the French version of Tell This to My Mother by Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali, was published in Paris last week by Présence Africaine, a prestigious publishing house in the francophone African world.

  • “Negras, Mulatas y Morenas en La Española del Siglo XVI (1502-1606),” a chapter by Scholar-in-Residence Lissette Acosta Corniel, was recently published in the edited volume Esclavitud, mestizaje y abolicionismo en los mundos hispánicos.

  • Professor of Africana Studies Heather Merrill is co-editor of Spaces of Danger: Culture and Power in the Everyday with Lisa M. Hoffman (University of Washington-Tacoma). The book, a collection of essays published by University of Georgia Press, is part of its Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation series.

  • A review of The Banquet of Donny & Ari: Scenes from the Opera, a novella-in-verse by Professor of English and Creative Writing Naomi Guttman, was recently published in Alimentum: The Literature of Food. The book was also named a 2015 CNY Book Awards finalist.

  • Jazz Tales from Jazz Legends – a distillation of more than 325 interviews recorded over two decades with jazz greats, their band members and critics– has just been released by Couper Press. Written by Director of the Fillius Jazz Archive Monk Rowe, the book includes interviews with Dave Brubeck, Steve Allen, Marian McPartland, Joe Williams, Bela Fleck, among many others, as well as with former members of bands led by Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Woody Herman, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman and Stan Kenton. 

  • The fifth edition of America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s, co-authored by Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, was recently published by Oxford University Press.

  • The Los Angeles Review of Books described Fourth City: Essays from the Prison in America as “an important work” in an Oct. 8 review titled “Locked Up in America: The Essay in the Age of Mass Incarceration.” Edited by Walcott-Bartlett Chair of Ethics and Christian Evidences Doran Larson, Fourth City is a collection of 71 essays by current and former prisoners on a wide range of topics about prison life, solicited over approximately five years.

  • Peter Cannavò, associate professor of government and director of the environmental studies program, discussed the views of political theorist Hannah Arendt, author of The Human Condition, as well as his own perspectives on the politics of place on KPFA’s Against the Grain radio program on Oct. 7. During the hour-long broadcast, Cannavò stressed the importance of democratic deliberation and pointed to an overemphasis on development to the detriment of preservation.


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