  • How College Works, a book co-authored by the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology Daniel Chambliss, continues to receive attention in the national media, this time as a Chronicle of Higher Education “Book Club” selection. Chambliss, along with his co-author and former student Christopher Takacs ’05, will initiate discussions of the book’s chapters by supplying weekly entries on the publication’s site for six weeks. They will also be tweeting with the hashtag #ChronBooks.

  • Jay Williams, the Walcott-Bartlett Professor of Religion emeritus, recently published Thomas Nast, America's Greatest Political Cartoonist. Published by Edwin Mellen Press, the book details how Nast’s many illustrations and cartoons relate to and illuminate American history.

  • A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate has continued to generate reviews and interviews. In its July issue, the Utne Reader excerpted the book for its online site under the title of "Drums: The Rhythme of Life"; the website "Spirituality and Practice" named it one of "The Best Spiritual Books of 2014 (so far),” describing it as “an elegant and illuminating book on the spiritual importance of objects in the religious life.”

  • The fourth edition of Fair Play: The Ethics of Sport by Robert Simon, the Walcott-Bartlett Professor of Philosophy, was published in July by Westview Press of Perseus Books.

  • Hindi Is Our Ground, English Is Our Sky: Education, Language and Social Class in Contemporary India by Associate Professor of Anthropology Chaise LaDousa has been published by Cambridge University Press for the South Asian market. It was published by Berghahn Books for the North American and European markets earlier this year.

  • On the heels of Hamilton’s hosting of the second annual International Wellbeing and Public Policy Conference earlier this June, it seems appropriate that a USA Today article, in which a Hamilton professor is quoted, should focus on the topic as it relates to college campuses generally. In the article titled “Colleges tout well-being, not just job prospects” published on June 22, Dan Chambliss, co-author of How College Works, was quoted on the topic.

  • The second Turkish edition of The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamic Capital in Turkey, co-authored by Professor of Economics Erol Balkan, was recently published. Balkan’s co-authors were Nesecan Balkan and Ahmet Oncu.

  • Burgess Professor of French Roberta L . Krueger and Professor Emerita Jane H.M. Taylor (Durham University) have co-translated Antoine de la Sale’s fifteenth-century Middle French romance Le Petit Jehan de Saintré, which first appeared in manuscript in 1456.

  • A History of Religion in 5 ½ Objects, authored by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate, has recently been reviewed and featured prominently by several media outlets including the Library Journal, The Christian Century, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The New Republic and Marginalia Review of Books.

  • Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology, was interviewed on WNYU, New York University ‘s radio station, about his and his former student Chris Takacs'  new book, How College Works. The April 28 interview addressed how students can get the most out of college. Chambliss also described the ten-year study of nearly 100 students from their high school years to five years after college graduation that he and Takacs conducted.


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