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Last summer, longtime athletic trainer Steph Kowell stepped into the position of director of the Blood Fitness Center and campus fitness. Communications Office writer Evan Robinson ’23 recently spoke with Kowell about her new job and career experience at Hamilton. Below are excerpts from their conversation.
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“Robust training and oversight [are] key,” said Hamilton Counseling Center Director David Walden as he described the College’s peer counselor program in a recent Wall Street Journal article. “With Therapists in Short Supply, College Students Counsel Each Other,” published on Feb. 12, provided an in-depth look into how Hamilton’s peer counselor program works, how peer counselors are able to “provide a supportive ear and not actual therapy [and] relieve some of the demand on the licensed therapists.”
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The new center demonstrates Hamilton’s commitment to enhancing the well-being of its students by providing resources that help set the foundation for a healthy and productive life.
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Passionate in her pursuit of student mental wellbeing, philosophy and psychology major Andi Dickmeyer’19 spent last summer developing a wellness class for Hamilton students.
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New for the spring 2018 semester, the College’s course catalogue features a class called THRIVE, an acronym for Thoughts, Health, Relationships, Impact, Vision, and Emotions.
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While most students and faculty were away from campus this summer, the College broke ground for a Health and Counseling Center. The 13,186-square-foot, two-story facility is expected to be completed by July 2018.
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University Business magazine recently highlighted Hamilton’s wellness program in an article addressing the challenge colleges face containing costs while providing expected health insurance benefits.
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Dave Thompson, director of the Charlean and Wayland Blood Fitness and Dance Center, Campus Wellness director and professor of physical education, was a panel member during the American Heart Association’s second annual Fit-Friendly Worksite Wellness Symposium.
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Team McBratney was the overall winner of the 2014 HamTrek triathlon with a time of 53:40.04. Professor of English Onno Oerlemans was the top individual finisher clocking in at 57:32.88, and Lauren King ’16 was the top female individual at 01:05:44.82.
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Professor of English Onno Oerlemans was the top individual finisher, Lauren King ’16 was the top female individual, and team “Adirondack Adventure” (Director of Outdoor Leadership Andrew Jillings, Will Robertson ’14 and Marcos Sotelo ’15), won the relay in the 10th annual HamTrek Triathlon on May 3.