  • Associate Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently presented a paper at the annual meeting of the Classical Association / Classical Association of Scotland. The event took place at Swansea University in Wales.

  • Associate Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently presented a papers at the annual meeting of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association in Las Vegas, and in a colloquium in Kiel, Germany.

  • Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner was recently a guest speaker and interviewee for a Fordham University senior capstone seminar in philosophy titled “A.I, Sci-fi, and Human Values.”

  • Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner was recently awarded a Leadership Initiative Grant by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States.

  • Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently presented “Gods, Monsters, and Posthumanity in Dan Simmons’ Ilium and Olympos” as part of Greek and Roman Myth and Science Fiction, an online “flash conference.”

  • Six faculty members were approved for tenure by Hamilton’s Board of Trustees at its recent meeting. They include Catherine Beck (geosciences), Erica De Bruin (government), Susan Jarosi (art history), Jaime Kucinskas, (sociology), Alexandra Plakias (philosophy), and Jesse Weiner (classics).

  • An article by Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner appears in Landscapes of War in Greek and Roman Literature, edited by Bettina Reitz-Joosse, Marian W. Makins, and C. J. Mackie, and published by Bloomsbury Academic.

  • Back in middle school, Lizzy Hane ‘22 would have hardly expected her first Latin class to lead into anything like a college major. “There were times where I wanted to drop it, focus on a different language,” she acknowledged.

  • Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently presented a paper titled “Foucault’s Campus: A Few Thoughts on College in the Time of COVID” at the virtual annual meeting of the Southern Humanities Council.

  • Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently published an article titled “Re-Membering the Palatine in Lucan’s Bellum Civile” in an edited volume published by Bloomsbury Academic.


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