  • Felipe Garcia’s interest in animals took a more serious turn as he prepared to begin college.  Garcia has long been passionate about animals, spending his summers working at Jungle Island, an interactive zoo located in Miami, Fla. During the summers of his sophomore and junior years at Hamilton Garcia attended the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Medicine Program for undergraduates.

  • Jo Pitkin, Kirkland class of 1978, has received recognition for her anthology Lost Orchard: Prose and Poetry from the Kirkland College Community. The Next Generation Indie Book Awards committee has selected Pitkin’s work as a finalist in the 2014 Anthology category. As the editor, Pitkin has selected and curated many poems, short stories, novel excerpts, creative nonfiction essays, and one-act plays by Kirkland College alumnae, faculty, and administration.

  • Martine M. Kalaw of the class of 2003 has published her first entry as a Huffington Post blogger. Her article is titled “The Modern Day Illegal Immigrant.” Kalaw hopes this article will spark interest in her story and thus help her get a book published. Her post can be read here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/martine-kalaw/a-modern-day-illegal-immi_b_5374175.html

  • Erica L. Flapan K’77 has received the 2014 Wig Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching. Flapan is the Lingurn H. Burkhead Professor of Mathematics at Pomona College in Claremont, California. She is one of eight Pomona professors to have earned the award, which is the highest honor bestowed on Pomona faculty as it recognizes exceptional teaching, concern for students, and service to the college and community.

  • Hamilton’s Class of 2014 Senior Gift campaign has set the record for the highest participation rate of any senior class, with 98.1 percent participation. Their $36,890, which includes a $10k match from President Joan Stewart, will go toward a planned terrace at the Siuda House Admission Office that commemorates the Class of 2014 as the first need-blind class.

  • Students in the Hamilton College Program in Washington, D.C. recently met with Howard Steinman ’93, a principal with A.T. Kearney, a global management consulting firm employing over 3000 people worldwide.

  • Beginning on May 15, Hamilton will embrace new fundraising technology, crowdfunding, to raise $100,000 to refurbish locker rooms and build additional ones. The College has raised nearly enough funds, $4.2 million to date, to build additional facilities and to completely renovate and refurbish all existing locker rooms. This crowdfunding campaign is focused on raising the last necessary $100,000 between May 15 and June 30.

  • On May 5, 24 members of the Class of 2014 were elected to associate membership in the Hamilton College Chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society.

  • Riley Stepnick ’12 was named first-prize winner in the Alumni Relations office College Song contest. Her song, “I Left My Heart on the Hill,” won $1500 and was performed for the first time at Class & Charter Day by the Hamilton choir. Forty songs -- submitted by students, alumni, faculty and staff -- were entered in the competition. Stepnick, who majored in music at Hamilton, is a music teacher at Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart.

  • Gwen Sanchirico ’89 has just finished a successful fundraising effort to open Sacre Brew, a nanobrewery in Wolverhampton, England. With a background in environmental science and an extensive knowledge of American craft beers, Sanchirico has been developing all-natural beers with clever names such as “Marsupiale” and “Man on the Oss.” The Sacre Brew concept was a finalist in the Wolverhampton Portas Pilot competition.


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