  • While most students traveled back home for Fall break, 40 students interested in careers in finance stayed on campus to take part in a Wall Street preparation workshop organized by the Career and Life Outcomes Center. The program provided a detailed, albeit rigorous, introduction to financial statements modeling and valuation.

  • In 2009, Dave Stone ’88 ran the Boston Marathon—his first marathon—in memory of his brother, Ralph ’80, who was murdered in 1997. Since then, he has dedicated nine more marathons to his brother. He just completed his tenth and final one in their hometown of Syracuse.

  • Lisa Cremin ’79, a director of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, received the 2016 Governor’s Award for the arts and humanities for her work in the arts community.

  • Hamilton Trustee Art Massolo ’64 and his wife Karen visited the campus of Minzu University and the Associated Colleges in China (ACC) campus in Beijing.

  • Mike Sennott ’09, co-founder of Universal Happymaker, just launched its first game, Astronaut: The Best, a narrative comedy game for PC, Mac and Linux on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. The team is looking to raise $12,000 over the next week to fund the remaining development of the game; the fundraiser campaign ends Oct. 21.

  • Six “Alex” talks, modeled on the “Ted” series of short but powerful talks, featured faculty speaking on their area of expertise on Oct. 7 as part of Fall Weekend.

  • Earl “Tony” Wayne, former Ambassador to Mexico and current Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of Government, gave an ALEX Talk -- Hamilton’s version of a Ted Talk -- on Oct. 7.

  • Hamilton was hopping on Oct. 6 through 9 as the College community not only celebrated the inauguration of David Wippman, but also welcomed families, alumni and guests to the Hill for a combined Family and Fallcoming Weekend. Events began on Thursday with preview of PBS documentary Hamilton’s America, a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Hamilton musical. Friday’s highlights included The Helen and Doane Comstock ’27 Memorial Luncheon that celebrated student scholarship and enabled students to meet the donors who make their scholarships possible. Poster sessions enabled students to show the results of their summer research in the sciences, public policy and humanities. Alex talks proved to be a popular new event, with six faculty members delving into their areas of expertise. Barbara Starnes P'80, GP '11 was honored as the Jeff Little ’71 Volunteer of the Year at a Saturday breakfast, then an estimated crowd of 1,500 attended President Wippman’s inauguration in the field house, followed by an all-campus picnic. A number of athletic contests took place on Saturday. At the football game, Patty Dunn Lewis was presented with a framed team photo and framed jersey by Coach Paul Adey to honor her late husband Adam Lewis '87. Adam was killed during the 9/11World Trade Center attack in 2001. The always-popular Fallcoming Jazz concert and a capella group performances highlighted weekend entertainment.

  • He promises to work with the Hamilton community “to make this wonderful college, this splendid and special place, ever more splendid and special.”

  • As part of Fallcoming/Family Weekend, a preview of PBS’ documentary Hamilton’s America was screened. The film features behind-the-scenes making of the Hamilton musical.

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