  • Nancy Avery Dafoe K'74 recently won the Pirate's Alley Faulkner Society writing award, The William Faulkner - William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition for 2016 with her poem, "Entrance Exam."

  • Teach For America released its ninth annual list of the schools contributing the greatest number of alumni to its 2016 teaching corps and Hamilton College is among the top 10 small colleges and universities. This is the third year Hamilton has been named to the list.

  • Sidney Wertimer Associate Professor for Excellence in Advising and Mentorship Wei-Jen Chang published a chapter in Biocommunication of Ciliates, released recently by Springer. “Interactions Between Parasitic Ciliates and Their Hosts: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans as Examples” was co-authored by Kassandra Zaila ’15 and Deanna Cho ’15.

  • Associate Professor of Art History Stephen J. Goldberg published an essay in One Hundred Hearts Cent cœurs, the catalogue to an exhibition of the art of André Kneib at China’s Chongqing Art Museum.

  • An article co-authored by Professor of Mathematics Robert Kantrowitz ’82 appears in the 2016 volume of the International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. “More of Dedekind: His Series Test in Normed Spaces” was written with Michael M. Neumann of Mississippi State University.

  • Anna Badkhen, an accomplished journalist and author who covers the stories of people around the world in extremis, is now working on her sixth book, Fisherman’s Blues, which details her experiences spending a year with Senegalese fishermen. Badkhen was born and raised in the former Soviet Union before spending a year abroad at Hamilton in 1994-95.

  • The 2017 edition of The Best Lawyers in America list named three alumni: Judith D. Levine K’72 , Cora Alsante '85 and John Murad '80. This marks Levine's sixth year and Murad's seventh year on the list.

  • Four students presented their computational chemistry research during the 15th Annual Molecular Educational Research Consortium in Undergraduate computational chemistRY (MERCURY) conference.

  • Assistant Professor of Psychology Ravi Thiruchselvam recently published an article in Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN). The article presented the results of a study conducted with Jessica Harper ’15 and Abigail Homer ’16.

  • Kacy Hobbis ’17 is a pro at engaging in government-focused community service, but this summer she wanted to take a different path. She’s interning at Youth Service America (YSA), a non-profit that motivates young people to become involved in community service. YSA runs grant programs, training and building toolkits to help youth complete their own service projects. She is receiving support through the Summer Internship Fund 2016, managed by the Career Center.


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