  • “Gone to Ground,” a solo exhibition of six multi-paneled watercolor works by Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, will be on display in South Korea during a festival that opens Friday, Oct. 23.

  • “A Masque of Mercy,” a project space exhibition featuring the work of Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, opens Oct. 1 at the Philip Slein Gallery in downtown St. Louis.

  • The Huffington Post recently named Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, one of the “13 Artists You Should Fall in Love With This Spring,” and Whitewall magazine featured one of her paintings in a slideshow of highlights from The Armory Show.

  • A painting by Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, is included in The Armory Show March 5-8 on Piers 92 and 94 on Manhattan’s west side. “The Nipple I Never Knew” (2015) is part of the P.P.O.W. Gallery exhibition.

  • Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, has been awarded a residency at Gyeonggi Creation Center in Seoul, South Korea. The Center is affiliated with the Seoul Art Museum and the Naim Jun Park Foundation. Her residency will be from August 2015 to January 2016.

  • The work of Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, will be included in the 40th Anniversary Lesbian Herstory Archives (LHA) Art Benefit on Dec. 6 at Johannes Vogt Gallery in New York.

  • As artist Arlene Shechet explains, “Part of the process (of making art) is seeing art and talking about art.” Hamilton’s senior art majors had the opportunity to do just that on Oct. 25-27, taking a break from their own studios to go to New York City to visit five practicing artists.

  • Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art Katharine Kuharic recently served on the Art in General Venice Biennale committee and traveled to Venice for the opening of the international art exhibition. The show continues through Nov. 24.

  • Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art Katharine Kuharic’s work will be included in an exhibition at Bowling Green State University (BGSU). “Consumed: Nourishment and Indulgence” runs Sept. 6 through Oct. 9 at the Willard Wankelman Gallery in the BGSU Fine Arts Center.

  • The legacy of Kirkland College at Hamilton includes a strong tradition of creativity, feminism and a penchant for the arts. Katherine Bickmore ’15 seems to embody that legacy. An aspiring artist, Bickmore is using this summer to further develop her artistic skills and examine the portrayal of women in art from the mid-19th century to present day. In her Emerson Foundation Project, “The Degeneration, Deterioration, and Decay of Society: A Critique of the Femme Fatale in Art,” she is creating a series of paintings that examine the depiction of women in art as dark and seductive beings.


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