  • “Good News, Bad News, and Consumer Confidence,” by Greg Casey ’09 and Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics of Ann Owen, was published in the March issue of Social Science Quarterly.

  • A dinner and ceremony dedicating the Collection of Spiritual Film in the Chapel Library on Feb. 21, 2013 honored the life and interests of the late Joshua Hicks '09.

  • During the two weeks before they returned to campus, some 143 Hamilton sophomores got a close look at possible careers as they took part in the third HamiltonExplore, sponsored by the Career Center.

  • Jon Bon Jovi and The Kings of Suburbia played to a sold-out group of Hamilton alumni, parents and friends at New York’s Best Buy Theater on Dec. 5 in a benefit concert for scholarships and the arts at Hamilton. The DownBeat Keys, a Brooklyn-based hip-hop band featuring five Hamilton College alumni, opened for Bon Jovi.

  • The DownBeat Keys, a Brooklyn-based hip-hop band featuring five Hamilton College alumni, will open for Jon Bon Jovi and The Kings of Suburbia on Wednesday, Dec. 5, at the Best Buy Theater in New York.

  • Papers by Professor of Anthropology Tom Jones, Professor of Archaeology Charolotte Beck and Professor of Geosciences David Bailey were published in the April issue of American Antiquity. The quarterly journal is published by the Society for American Archaeology.

  • Hamilton College archaeologists were well-represented on the program of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology held April 18-22 in Memphis, Tenn. Several students, faculty members and alumni presented research with other Hamilton alumni in attendance.

  • Alice Popejoy '09, who will be a doctoral student in the Public Health Genetics Program at the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle this fall, has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship for genetics and bioethics research.

  • Hamilton College is mourning the death of recent graduate Joshua “Jicks” Hicks ’09.  In an email to the Hamilton community, President Joan Hinde Stewart wrote in part, “It is with immense sadness that I write with news of the death on Friday, April 6, of Joshua ‘Jicks’ Hicks '09, who was a student at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. A wonderful young man of great personal warmth and a talented singer, he came to Hamilton with Boston Posse 4, majored in religious studies and was a member of the Buffers, the choir and ELS."

  • The School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, host of the April 19th social media conference #140cuse, has partnered with Hamilton College's Digital Humanities Initiative to bring a preview of the #140 conference to the Kirner-Johnson Red Pit on Wednesday, April 4, at 7 p.m.


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