  • During the two weeks before they returned to campus, some 143 Hamilton sophomores got a close look at possible careers as they took part in the third HamiltonExplore, sponsored by the Career Center.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Government Calin Trenkov-Wermuth ’00 took members of his United Nations and Global Security class on a field trip to United Nations headquarters in New York City on Nov. 28.

  • Patrick Reynolds, vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty, announced the appointment of new faculty for the 2012-13 academic year, including two tenure-track appointments, 25 visiting professors and instructors, and four teaching fellows. New tenure-track appointments are Daniel Barth and Gbemende Johnson.

  • Hamilton College archaeologists were well-represented on the program of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology held April 18-22 in Memphis, Tenn. Several students, faculty members and alumni presented research with other Hamilton alumni in attendance.

  • Mary Furtado '00 is the new assistant county manager of Catawba County, NC. She will be responsible for overseeing the management of particular departments and county activities.

  • Nathaniel R. Warner ’00 coauthored “Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-Well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing.”   The article, in which Warner and his coauthors examined the effects of natural gas collection on the water supply in Pennsylvania and New York, was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

  • Bicentennial Colleges and tours continued on Saturday of Kickoff Weekend. Faculty authors read from their works; Professors Douglas Ambrose and Robert Martin discussed the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton; and Professor Rick Werner talked ab out the idea of happiness as put forth in the Declaration of Independence.

  • Bradley Fleischer '00 is playing the solider Kev in the Broadway production of Rajiv Joseph's "Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo," with Robin Williams.   Fleischer has been playing Kev since the first run of the play in California in 2009 and describes his character as "young" and "naïve," someone who "thinks that war is going to be like a video game, he's just going to go over there and become a hero."

  • Style Weekly has named among Daniel Custodio '00 Richmond's "Top 40 Under 40," a list that recognizes young men and women who are "paying attention to the changes truly needed in the community." Custodio is the poet in residence for the Richmond Public Schools Arts and Humanities Center, where he is inspiring a new generation of poets and focusing particularly on helping non-English speaking students become comfortable with American culture. Teacher Eugenia Yeuell observes that that Custodio "calls for students to jettison out of their comfort zones and expose themselves."

  • Two Hamilton graduates, have found a home at U.S. Fund for UNICEF, Maria Choi ’03 as the Marketing Manager and Brian Meyers ’00 as the Director of Development and Emergency Fund Raising.  UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund and has been working to provide services for children and families in Haiti since 1949.  Nearly half of Haiti’s population is under the age of 18, so the recent earthquake has hit children extremely hard.


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