  • Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali recently published a book titled Tell This to My Mother, a novel based on the true story of  war rape victim Coco Ramazani. Published by Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, it is Mwantuali’s first book written in English.

  • On Dec. 15, students from the Hamilton College Junior in France (HCJYF) program visited several covered passages, or arcades, in the heart of Paris.

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal wrote two pieces:  one for  Le Temps, the other for La Gazette des Délices, about his reflections on the tercentenary celebrations of the birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau that are taking place this year and that reached a high point on Rousseau's birthday itself on June 28.

  • Professor of French John C. O'Neal recently traveled to France for a conference on the notion of authenticity in Rousseau's thought. O'Neal's paper, "Rousseau à l'âge de Facebook: l'authenticité et le défi de l'opinion publique dans les Dialogues," was given at the Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3 on Oct. 19.

  • Independent French filmmaker Armel Hostiou will screen his latest production, Rives (“Day” in English), on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m., in the Red Pit. The film is spoken in Bosnian, French and Urdu with English subtitles and runs approximately 75 minutes; Hostiou will answer questions after the showing.

  • Daniel O’Kelly’s article titled “4 study abroad hurdles” appeared on the USA Today College site on Aug. 6. O’Kelly ’14 is interning this summer with the Study Abroad Team at Go Overseas and plans to study abroad in Paris this fall. In his article, O’Kelly addressed the fears and concerns that sometimes stop students from considering studying in another country.

  • In an essay titled “What Would Jean Valjean Do?” and published on the Huffington Post, President Joan Hinde Stewart discussed “the transforming potential of individual example and community action” and “the redeeming value of great models, whether literary or historical.” Stewart employed Victor Hugo's Les Misérables and the author’s protagonist, Jean Valjean, as examples to illustrate these themes and to demonstrate how literary works from centuries past have relevance in today’s society.

  • Associate Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali published an article titled “Michel Leiris: Poésie et ‘mystique du language’ ” (“Poetry and the ‘mysticism of language’”) in Cahier Leiris, the June issue of the French journal Les Cahiers.

  • On May 5-6, students in Hamilton’s Junior Year in France (JYF) program visited three cities in the east of France: Nancy, Metz and Strasbourg. The trip coincided with the second round of the French presidential elections which Socialist Francois Hollande won over UMP president-elect Nicolas Sarkozy.

  • At the recent meeting of the American Society of the French Academic Palms in New York City, Professor of French John C. O'Neal was re-elected to this Society's board of directors for another 3-year term. O'Neal was named a chevalier (or knight) in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques in 1998 by the French government and promoted to the rank of officier in 2007.


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